Wednesday, July 02, 2008

So Many Ads

Watching TV at night is an experience. It also reminds us why we are thankful for a DVR so we don't have to watch commercials all the time. Sometimes though, we are stuck watching "live TV" and it both amuses and frustrates us how many medication commercials run every. single. night.

Most are prescription medications, full of the head spinning warnings and possible side effects and some are over the counter things like Phentermine without prescription.

I don't ever remember there being so many drug commercials before. It's overwhelming. And once again, there is something to be said for using a DVR. :)


Tanya said...

Seriously! Have you seen the Cel*ebrex one? It's like it's own program. So long.

Monogram Queen said...

I don't hardly ever watch TV so I know not of what you speak *grin* (seriously)