Monday, July 07, 2008

Things To Come

Oh yes - there are tons of photos to be shared from the past four days but there are also tales to be told.

For instance, today while at the mall Kaylen stopped breathing so not only were our friends witness to this overwhelmingly terrifying event but we managed to scare the heck out of another mom in the play area. The trauma of this happening (it's happened many times in the past) is something I'm sure that poor woman will never forget. It was terrifying for me as well. Kaylen hasn't done this in many, many months and I had figured she had finally, at long last, outgrown it. Not so much. *sigh*

I'm pretty sure everyone around us were wishing they could be anywhere else but there...perhaps browsing through a shop of modern furniture or heck - getting a cavity filled. Oh yes - life with my little ones is never dull. :)

Anyway - there are also happy things to share; like Kaylen riding the carousel solo for the first time ever. A trip to the brand new Build-A-Bear Workshop and fun and games time at the arcade.

It's been a whirlwind of fun the past few days so hold tight and I will be back to share it all in the next day or so. :)


Froggymama said...

Oh terrifying. Did you have to make a trip to the ER?

Monogram Queen said...

I remember a past post about this but thought she had outgrown it as well. I am so sorry it happened to y'all. Hope little missy is ok!

Tanya said...

Very scary. I hope you are all well again.

Lynilu said...

That's scary! My son did that, only once, on his 6th BD. We discovered he had some allergies with asthma-like elements. I hope Kaylen's episodes are no more serious than that!

amy4 said...

How awful - I can't even imagine... I am so glad that she is okay! I hope that today is a MUCH better day!!!