Thursday, September 06, 2007

A Step Up?

My daughter is a piece of work, let me tell you. There is nothing she can't figure out for herself if given half the chance. In our kitchen we have a wide counter that doubles as a breakfast bar (which we hardly ever use) and, like most homes with such a thing, we have bar stools under the counter. In recent months Kaylen has learned that she can scale up a bar stool so that she can sit on the counter to help cook, access pens, pencils, note paper and/or scissors or heck - just for the fun of it she can sit there and take in the view of her kingdom. It's often these days that I will walk into the kitchen to find her sitting happily on the counter. (She hasn't mastered getting down yet so that still involves a yell for "Help me get down from here!")

But now she has discovered new uses for the bar stools. Many, many uses. Once dragged into the living room it can help her reach the VCR/DVD so that she can try to put in her own shows (Barney is still her all time favorite). They can also be placed on their sides and used as a boat or filled to capacity with dolls. And just tonight she discovered that when you haul one into the backyard you can climb up onto the swing without help. Eeeeeek! Yeah - that one almost gave me a heart attack so we had to have a talk about stools needing to stay *inside* the house and on flat, level and solid floors.

I suppose it was only a matter of time until she moved on the bar stools. This girl has been dragging around step stools for the past 18 months in order to get closer to things.

Nothing is safe from this girl. :)


Monogram Queen said...

My little monkey just "climbs". Yeah, I know from "hair raising" LOL She's such a cutie pie though and SO SMART.

Sheri said...

Sooo, that's what a 2yr old GIRL does (LOL) ... THANK YOU for the bar stool warning ... so far mine just plays "hide in the jungle" but knowing what he has used as climbing tools recently (and he HAS been creative) I will now start watching for the obvious.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, its amazing how many uses they can find of bar stools. I think my monkey has taught me a few tricks too!