Saturday, September 08, 2007

Family Time

I love family time. It's fun to go places and do things as a family. The kids always have a great day and go to bed exhausted beyond all reason. There is something so satisfying in knowing that your kids have had an amazingly great day even if the day has been crazy and busy and hectic.

But there is one thing I really, really look forward to on family days and that is family night once the kids are tucked into their beds. I love that Dakota is home and we can turn down the lights, pop in a movie and just settle in and "be". I cherish our time together as a family more now than I think I did three years ago. Don't get me wrong - I loved our family time then I just didn't "get" how precious it is. I took it for granted, like we tend to do in life, but now that the days are few and far between I find myself looking forward to days when the four of us can spend all day together.

Life is good!


Sheri said...

I know what you mean ... last night was our first true "family night" in a long time (Sausage Fest). Work schedules have been so crazy that besides meals we haven't had much down time. I hope you saw a great movie.

Brenda said...

Yeah...I so get that - and so agree

Casey said...

Sheri: I'm glad you got to have some good quality family time. It's always good. We're watching "Carolina" which is good - but not great. Dakota is making cookies right now so I popped on to check mail. :)

Brenda: :)

Lynilu said...

Family life can be so chaotic these days. I'm glad you are hanging on to the good times. I'd guess that the recent changes in your family structure make you more cognizant of the essence of "family," too. I know I don't need to say this to you, but enjoy every moment you can, capture them with photos and words. It's wroth it down the road. :)

Caroline said...

I am so glad that you are Dakota are still able to have that alone time that couples really need especially when they have kids.

amy4 said...

I can completely relate! My problem is that once I settle in on the couch to watch a movie with Bruce (my husband), a lot of times I end up getting too comfortable and falling asleep (no matter how good the movie is!). My boy know how to wear me out!! :)

amy4 said...

oops, I meant "my boys" know how to wear me out!!

SassyFemme said...

I love that time to just be.

Stacey said...

i agree.

although i'm like other moms...i fall asleep at the end of most movies these days. lol

Frazzled Mom said...

I miss "quality" couple time with my guy. With kids and his long hours at the office it is very rare in my house hold.

Unknown Me said...

Mornings are my favorite, the kids get in bed with me and we all just hang out together before we start the's the little times that mean the most.

Monogram Queen said...

Amen sister I know exactly what you mean. You don't really appreciate "couple" time until you become a family unit.