Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Wow- people actually DO read this!

Today I was reminded by not one, not two, but THREE people that I needed to post an update. It's not that I'm intentionally shirking my blogging responsibilities it's just that some days it is so freakin' hard to find the time.

Ok ok - it's true...if I hadn't napped for the 30 minutes that the kids naps overlapped for the past two days I would have had plenty of time but alas, the call of the fluffy comforter is more than I can stand some days. Sorry guys - nap wins over blogging hands down. :)

I have so much to write about - all these things are floating around in my head just waiting for a place to land. Preschool (whether or not to look into for the prince. My sister is adament that I do, I'm adament I won't...and the feelings revolving around my sister thinking she knows what best for MY children especially when she doesn't have any of her own.), family crap, law school (feeling so NOT important in the equation which is really pissing me off and making me even more depressed), feeling like my relationship is fading to the background, feeling completely overwhelmed with my life. And the list goes on......

I also have funny stories to write about: how the prince was showing me how he can use his penis to pretend he is playing bass (what??), how he is getting better at using the potty most times, how watching Mister Rogers check out a kindergarten class made my boy dissolve into tears at the prospect of going to school and being away from me, how we went to the local theater this morning to catch a movie (his first ever)...and I'm sure many other stories as well.

So much to say and so little time to say it. I suppose if I gave up some of the time I spend on the phone with a certain someone I might be able to eek out a little more time but then.....who wants to do that? :) I have a feeling that in 22 days I will suddenly find lots of time on my hands and LOTS of things to vent...errr...I mean blog about. 22 days. Yep, that's all that remains between me and a quick leap into insanity.

Time to get the prince down for his nap. With luck, the princess will sleep for another hour or so. What's that I hear? Oh yes...the sound of my bed calling..... :)

PS....Sleep! Blissful sleep! The kids and I napped for an hour and a half today. Ahhhhhhhh!!!! I needed it after last night. The prince had a bad dream that kept him and me up for over an hour and then the princess was up a couple times too. I needed a nap as much as they did. :)


Estelle said...

'Bout damn time you paid attention to your adoring public.
He SO does NOT need preschool. In addition to the huge financial aspect, it's really fairly useless and nothing more than day care. If you want day care, by all means go for it. But there is really no such thing as preschool. It doesn't exist.
Sleep... you're getting more of it than I am most days.
Ticking off the days until she starts law school. Don't worry, you'll be fine :)

Anonymous said...

Don't leave us HANGING for days again!!!! That's just mean! :o)