Monday, July 25, 2005

If You're Crazy And You Know It Raise Your Hand!

Come on, everyone, sing it with me - I know you know how it goes:

If you're crazy and you know it raise your hand
If you're crazy and you know it raise your hand
If you're crazy and you know then your life will surely show it
If you're crazy and you know it raise your hand

See? Told you you knew the words. :)

What a freaking crazy day we've had here at the OK Corral. Nuts. Pure and simple and yet I can't pinpoint exactly what happened. I know there was paint (lots of paint), water, crying, whining, stomping, pouting, sassy looks and comments and probably lots of other stuff I have blissfully put out of my mind. All I really know is I'm tired and practically seeing double. If it wasn't for the phone calls from a couple good friends, I just might have gone completely over the edge.

I'd like to say it's calm now but that is far from the truth. D is trying in vain to get the prince to stop moving and go to sleep out in the tent. I'm not sure what she was thinking when she suggested camping out again tonight. She has to get up before the crack of dawn (4:50AM) to get ready for work and she is thinking that, like this weekend, he will be in the house and in his own bed by that time. She may be right - if he doesn't settle down soon he'll be in the house before I finish this posting.

The princess is sleeping and has been for almost 90 minutes. She will, as usual, be stirring in about 30 minutes which will mean she is ready for her "dream feed". After nursing, she will be back down for a few hours. I have to say, I am definitely onto something with letting her fall asleep on her own. I wish we had done that with the prince - maybe he'd be a better sleeper. I admit though, it's hard to listen to her awake in there and just let her be. She isn't crying (I'd go to her immediately if she was) just making a fussy sound as she lies there with her eyes closed listening to her music. I call her sounds her "I'm so tired and I need to sleep" noise. I'm determined to not make the same errors in judgment when it comes to teaching her to sleep as I made with the prince. On one level it feels mean (no one likes to hear their baby fuss - even if they aren't really upset) but in my heart of hearts, I know it's best for her (and, let's face it....for me too. I would seriously jump off the nearest overpass if I had two sleepers like the prince.

It's hard to take responsibility to screwing up your child - who wants to admit *that*? but......we all make mistakes in life and parenting is no different. We can only do our best in any given situation and I know that's what we did with the prince. 85% of the time we made the right call, I know we did....but that other 15% we could have done better. Live and learn, right?

I'm sure the princess will have her 15%, too. I just hope it isn't in the sleeping department.

The bottom line is this: the prince is a great kid, too smart for my own good, but a great, amazing and wonderful kid.....even if he doesn't sleep well. :)

And speaking of sleep...that's where I'm heading. Wanna bet I'm asleep before the prince and D are? :)


Estelle said...

Poor dear.
I myself am shooting for a 21% screw up rate. So if you only hit 15%, I should be good to go.
So, were you asleep first? Sorry, I was no longer up when you asked, or I would have come to your aid.
Methinks the boy seriously needs a tree to paint.
And the tent, totally nuts. Now watch, he fell asleep, stayed asleep, and D made YOU go out there at five to sleep with him.

Estelle said...

*Shoots hand so far into the air that I dislocate my shoulder and spend 4 hours in the ER.*

You will be getting a bill.