This morning I walked into the livingroom to find this scene - it's it just too much?
(And umm...yes. Apparently we do have a "cl@thing @ptional house. I swear this girl and her clothing issues will drive me insane though I must say it has gotten a great deal more long as I don't insist on clothes at home. *grin*)
I am giggling - she is too cute! I love the fact that she set up her little "scene" all on her own. Very inventive! :)
That grin says it all!! I love the inhibitions of children. Oh, that we all could just be so free and not uncomfortable in our own bodies.
I wanna be a kid!!! :D
So so so VERY sweet!!!
I love it!!!!! I can't wait to see what she creates next. The closest I get right now is a Lego apple pie with the chef fully dressed.
Hilarious. Froggy has a thing now where all her dolls, stuffed animals, and figurines have to be nak*d. And it's only on cold days that she wears clothes around the house. So funny. But a nak*d tea party takes the cake.
ROFL - she is sooooo cute!
That is classic. I love it!
I agree with Lynilu - I want to be a kid again too!
That Kaylen is a total crack-up! And her grin just lights up a room.
She is too cute!
OMG that's hilarious. A nekkid tea party. :P
She has a great imagination! That's really cute. Charlotte refuses to wear clothes too. Although she does keep her underwear on.
I've been reading you for a while and have been slack and haven't commented, first let me say (in order of events I didn't comment on...)I'm so sorry for the lossof your sweet dog, I'm glad everyone is feeling well and that you got fairly good news on the MRI, snd I so love seeing your dal in your photos we have one but she's really small like 40ish pounds, yours looks a lot like an older one we had for 15 years, as for the clothing issue well good luck!!!!!!! Our son who is now 23e and serving in the navy NEVER liked clothes a young child and now well lets just say if he could get away with it he'd still be doing it!!!!!! KIDS!!! OK I could go into a funny story of him escaping without clothes to ride a bike but I've taken up too much room now as it is!! Thanks for sharing your family, the kids are too cute!!! I have no blog yet I'm not that "advanced" yet ha HA, but I keep saying I'm going to begin one, we'll see!!!!!
She is sooo darn cute!!!
And BTW, this would be the perfect picture to pull out when she brings home her first boyfriend. :)
Hey that's a time when you have to pick/choose your battles. Adorable!
That is WAY too cute!!
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