Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Never Under Estimate the Tiny Little Pills

I'm just saying. :)

Not that I didn't need a 6 hour nap but just the same, I'm pretty sure one would have been enough to get the job done.

I took the first little blue pill before leaving the house but I swear to you I could have been driving the car myself 45 minutes later (I wasn't, of course but I think I really could have been). I was still so keyed up and stressed out about the MRI. In the parking lot Dakota and I talked about my taking the second one and we decided it sure couldn't hurt at that point.

I went into the clinic, signed in, filled out the paperwork (which, by the way hasn't changed in the week between the last MRI and this one) and waited nervously for my name to be called. By the time they called me I was more calm but still jittery. The woman was incredibly nice which helped more than I can even say and she settled me on the bed thing that moves into the MRI machine. She explained that she would cover my eyes with a cloth which would help me not focus on the machine and (with luck) help me relax. It really did help - which kind of stunned me. Of course, by that time I had two pills of Xanax coursing through my body as well so who knows which was really helping but hey - I wasn't flipping out so that was good. :)

The scan ran for about 30 minutes - and I swear it went by in the blink of an eye. She came in and repositioned me to do the cervical spine (the full-on brain scan was first). She said it would be another 30 minutes. I asked about the two hours they had told me to expect and she said "I wish they wouldn't do that to people. Of course it *can* run longer but most times it is about 30-40 minutes per set of scan and to tell people who have just told them they have anxiety about it that it will be 2 hours for two complete scans just isn't right. I'm sorry they did that to you. You really should be done in about 30 more minutes." Not that I could have cared any less at that point because I was flying pretty high and just going with the flow.

The next thing I knew she was standing over me (I was no longer under the scanner) calling my name. When I finally opened my eyes she said "I was starting to get concerned. I've been trying to wake you for about 5 minutes. I figured you were ok because you were lightly snoring. If you hadn't been snoring, I would have been concerned about you having too much medicine. I know you're a mom though so I figured you were just really tired to start with and the medicine zonked you." I staggered to my feet, collected my things and she walked me out. Dakota was startled to see me so quickly. She had set up shop in the coffee area and was hard at work studying.

She drove us home, relieved her mom from caring for Kaylen, tucked me into bed and then she and Kaylen went to get Kelton from school (she called and cancelled arrangements with her sister who was supposed to pick him up). The next thing I knew the kids were next to the bed showing me the gift and balloons they bought for me. More than two hours had passed! Dakota ushered them from the room and the next time I opened my eyes it was getting dark outside. Holy moly! The whole day was gone.

I got up, still feeling *very* woozy and interacted with the family for a bit - I even ate dinner (which is good - it was the first food I'd had since 7:30 that morning). We got the kids to bed and I vegged out on the couch. I was a bit concerned about sleeping last night but I shouldn't have been - I was out before Dakota (a rarity to be sure). I kept startling myself awake and had a hard time figuring out where exactly I was but other than that - I slept fine.

I do believe that was more sleep in a 24 hour window than I have gotten in about six years. And I kid you not on that one.

So - the MRI is done and now we are waiting for the results. I was calm about it this morning but found myself going a bit nutty this afternoon. I checked my email frequently for a message from the doctor. I am trying really hard not to get concerned (they had the results of my first one within 24 hours). I really don't *think* anything bad will show up. My gut feeling says it is all fine but until I hear those words, or read those words, there is this twinge of worry.

What were/are they looking for? The other things that are known to cause a syrinx. The doctor is just being thorough so we know for sure there this thing originated. The other things that *could* cause a syrinx are:
Arnold-Chiara Malformation

Neither of which would be good. But that explains the brain and cervical MRI need. So please keep positive thoughts and prayers going. While the original diagnosis sucks, these two things would suck so much more. Here's hoping for good news.

Please please please please please please please please.

And thank you for the emails checking in on me. I appreciate each and every one. :)


Sheri said...

I'm happy to hear the tiny pills did a great job to make things go easier. Sleep in any shape or form is a good thing in my book, too. You're in our thoughts and prayers. And, I look forward to seeing you soon--you were missed today. :-)

Lynilu said...

First ... my fingers are crossed for you, my prayers are lifting, and you are in my thoughts.

Next ... thank you for the kind words on my blog. I'm much better, nearly back to being myself.


momtothreeboys said...

Many, many, MANY positive thoughts coming your way. It's easy to say "don't worry until you have something to worry about" - so I won't (heehee). Glad the little blue pills worked - I have the white ones (don't know the dosage) and OMG, I can only take 3/4 of one or else I'm worthless!

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (those are positive vibes for you).

Tracey said...

How mean of them to say 2 hours when it wasn't! I am wowed by the Xanax, I may have to try that myself sometime I need sedation. I am hoping you get some good news, and take care of yourself!

Monogram Queen said...

I already know the outcome was good (Thank God) how come xanax never affects me like that? I would love to "zonk" out sometimes!

Shannon said...

Glad those tiny pills worked!

Unknown said...

I'm so relieved to hear your second MRI experience wasn't so traumatic. Thank goodness for modern medicine.

PT-LawMom said...

Told you those pills were freakishly powerful. Weird, huh? Glad you made it through (and got some rest!)