Sunday, February 17, 2008

Fun Stools?

I was just reading Dakota's blog the other day - the one where she talked about festool and how it would make a great name for a cool stool (think Hula chair that was showcased on the Ellen YouTube last week) and I had to laugh. What kind of fun stool would there be exactly? Maybe instead of fun it could be more practical....perhaps one that refused to let a child climb on it unless the parent had given permission. Now there is something I could use! Kaylen has no qualms at all about pushing the bar stool over to whatever cabinet she feels holds something that should be hers, scampering up on it and reaching whatever her little heart desires.

Take yesterday, for instance; After making all the beds in the morning, I walked into the kitchen to find Little Miss Thing reaching into the cabinet where the chocolate chips are stored. Ummm..yes, she had to have pushed the stool over there, climbed up on, opened the cabinet door and moved herself from the stool to the counter. Oh yes, there she was, standing on the kitchen counter reaching into the cabinet.

Needless to say, she was not happy when I removed her.

Today she used it to access the freezer to find a popsicle. Who knows what waits for us tomorrow. :)

So for me, a fun stool would be one that refused to be either be moved from point A to point B or one that just made it impossible for a child to use it to get themselves into dangerous situations.


Sheri said...

Oh my ... at least we aren't at the climb on the counter stage ... yet! We are, however, at the use whatever stick-like object (wooden spoon, long tinker toy, etc) can scrape something off the counter top and closer to little hands.

As for a "festool" ... the first thing that came to mind was "festival stool" (sorta like Festivus from Seinfeld). The stool could have interchangeable seat covers for each holiday. (Though, I realized that doesn't solve your problem of the ever-migrating bar stool ... hee-hee)

Perrin said...

I am such a mother. It took me a bit to realize you weren't talking about poop. So sad!

Monogram Queen said...

Yep I need a stool like that. Mine has no qualms either about using one to fulfill her wishes either.