Oh my gosh - I am loving the ages of my kids. For many reasons but not the least of which is I am finding I can sneak in a few minutes here and there for reading. Reading has been a lost love for me over most of the past five years. I had a few good months in there when Kelton was about two and a half and I was pregnant with Kaylen. During those autumn evenings and stolen daytime moments I managed to read four, count 'em, four books!
And then came baby #2 and every since the books I have been wanting to read are piling up on my dresser. Sad, but true.
I recently started getting my two favorite parenting magazines again (a birthday gift from Dakota's mom) and I have managed to find time to read them before the next months arrives. No small feat around here considering Dakota's work, school and study schedule permits for very few (did I get any this past school year?) child free hours. So now that I know I can get through magazines within just a few days I decided to make the leap and buy a couple of books. Yes, I said couple. As in two. It's a bold move but I have faith......and 14 weeks in which to try to read them before the next school year starts. :)

I scanned through the pages on Amazon and liked what I saw. I'm too impatient for mail order though if I can run out and pick it up locally so I called Borders and they held a copy for me. I raced over after Dakota arrived home from work.

As soon as I arrived home I plopped down in a chair on the patio and cracked open the first book. I read through a bit of it while the kids played in the yard and I am seriously loving it. I can't wait to get back to it.
Reading. I'm actually reading. That's so cool. :)