Monday, May 21, 2007


Is that even a word? If not, it is now. :) It completely sums up how I'm feeling right now - totally unmotivated. *sigh*

I did manage to get all the toys unpacked. Somehow the amount of toys increased while we were away. I swear toys are like rabbits. You turn your back and more appear.

You should have seen the car yesterday. It was packed so tight that we could barely see the kids. Oh wait! You *can* see it. I have a picture on my phone. Let me email it to myself and post right back.

Ok - here are the pictures. I had taken these and sent them to my brother because the running joke was I was going to need a U-Haul to get back home. Keep in mind that I have a fairly large cargo area in my SUV and it was packed tight. I could barely see out the back window - certainly not enough for my own comfort level. Luckily I had Dakota in the passenger seat (equally packed down) to help check blind spots for lane changes.

See all those plastic bags? Those are filled with extra food, supplies, etc. that I hadn't had on the way up. There were far too many plastic bag that we had to find room for.

The squished kids. :)

Needless to say, there was a lot of unpacking to be done. We worked for more than 2 hours straight last night and there was still stuff to put away today. OY!

We are pretty settled in tonight - enough that I'm not going bonkers anyway.

Dakota came home from work early (school is out for the summer - yippie!) so I escaped for about an hour. I went to a local coffee shop, bought a coffee and read a magazine for a bit. Then I made a small grocery store run for things like milk, coffee creamer, eggs, etc. It was nice to get away but I have to say, I am still so darn tired! I mean bone tired. So tired that all I really want to do is crawl under the covers and sleep for a day...or three. I'm sure it's just all the stress catching up with me but man - I'm just so tired.

Tomorrow will be better.....


Jojo said...

I'm glad your home. Rest. jojo

Monogram Queen said...

You'll relax some and get back into your daily routine. Thankfully Dakota is home for the summer. Now I hope her Dad is doing okay.
The kids look tickled to be squished though!

Lynilu said...

I'm glad you're home. The routine will help you to stay afloat. As you said a few posts back .... just breathe.

BTW, I unpacked a box with some of my old journals a couple days ago and was flipping through them when I found that I had said the same thing after my mom was gone. Something like, "I just need to keep breathing." Being home and busy will help.

Casey said...

I'm going to try to get back into the swing of responding to the incredibly nice comments I receive. I know I have really slacked on that these past many weeks and I apologize. Your comments have really been appreciated by me. So very much!

Here we go:
JoJo: Thank you! I'm trying to rest though that is challenging with two little ones. :)

Patti_Cake: I am very thankful for summer because we all love having D home in the evenings. I just wish it was a true summer vacation whereby she was home all day, too. :) Ah the dream! :)

Lynilu: Just breathe. Yeah - some moments that all I can do. I'll be doing ok and then it feels like someone sucker punches me. No fun. I find I am actually really missing being with my brother and sister. We know each others loss well and somehow it's nice to knowwe aren't alone in our pain. *sigh* But being home is good, too.

Sonya said...

Oh man - I can see why you'd be unmotivated. That is one full vehicle.

Try not to stress about the unpacking. It will happen in time.

Caroline said...

You need to give yourself some time to heal Casey. Gosh, where have I heard that before?? :):)

I do hope today is a better day for you. I know it's going to take a few days for you guys to adjust to being home.


Holly said...

Get some rest. I can only imagine how exhausted you are. Take care of yourself!

Perrin said...

I bet you are tired. That's great that Dakota is off. Take care of yourself. Hope to see you at a MC park day soon.

Anonymous said...

Casey! I am so so glad you are home! You are going to have to tell me when you are ready to get together! Also, you are going to have to tell me when g and I can watch the kids for you so you and dakota can have a night out together.
Just take your time settling in - you have a lot of de-stressing and readjusting to do now that you are home.
Big hugs from the boys and I to you and the kids.

Laura said...

Ohmigoodness. I definitely can see why it would be hard to get motivated to unpack all that. Take it easy, it will get done eventually.

Mieke said...

Be easy on yourself in the next few weeks.