Thursday, May 31, 2007

Political Post

Tammy Lynn has a really good post on her blog. This is a mere small section that I am cutting and pasting. Anyone want to join me in joining her in sending postcards?

**section snip**
postcards. i wonder if it would do more to send the post cards to the white house or to nancy pelosi? i bet if i mailed a shitload of postcards to nancy... and the other folk who work with her... i bet there'd be something- if nothing else, at least a BLOG about the effort right? i can write a postcard. i can get a stamp. i can do this. i can buy 100 postcards, i can buy 100 stamps. i can mail one postcard a week, or one a day.... i can send them, tell my friends to send them, tell anyone to send them... millions.... a deluge of

i think nancy would listen. i do. i just looked up her contact info, and i'm going to use it. i think i'll email her and send postcards. emailing is quick, and cheap. postcards scream "I'm not effing kidding here". so i'll do both. on the postcard, i shall write only "IMPEACH"... and in my emails, the subject will read "IMPEACH" and inside it shall only read, "BUSH". i hope she understands these two go together... not that i want to impeach someone, AND make everyone a lezbo, but rather, "IMPEACH BUSH" is the entirety of the message.

i can't sit around slack-jawed at the incest and rape happening to our souls anymore, or i will need to start taking partial credit as to why our state is in such disarray. right?

postcards and emails. i might be the only one doing it, but dammit... one by one is better than none by none. hm... if my 1000 "impeach" postcards and emails get him out of office... well, rootbeer floats all around!

let's just see what happens. i'm going to believe this will work. believe it, know it, is is.

Nancy Pelosi
Speaker of the House
430 South Capital Street, S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20003

impeach impeach impeach impeach impeach impeach
go go go go go go
go sisters go brothers
go go go go
go go
go !!!!!!!!!
**end snip**


Froggymama said...

I saw a great bumper sticker today that said, "Can't wait til 2008!" My sentiments exactly. And don't you just love Nancy Pelosi's face whenever she's around Bush. She looks like the mom of a teenage son, just praying to God he doesn't embarrass her in public.

Monogram Queen said...

Hey if they impeached Clinton for his little transgression Dubya DEFINITELY needs to be hanged by his scrawny neck for all of his!

Casey said...

FroggyMama: I love that!! :)

Patti_Cake: AGREED!!