Tuesday, January 02, 2007


I know, I know! I need to update. And I will...I promise. I have new pictures to share of our Christmas celebration up with my family in Seattle and I have a couple of super cute videos of the kids to post (I find nothing cuter at this point than how Kaylen says "princess" - it kills me every time she says it so you just *know* I had to get it on video. *grin*). But when to find the time to upload photos and video?

And then there is the whole new year resolution thing. I didn't get whacky or anything and I have a sinking feeling it's the same as last year but my goal for the year is to declutter this house! (I think last year was the garage - which is did do and which promptly gathered more items as the kids outgrew clothes/toys/etc.) I am swimming in "stuff" and it's eating at me. To jump start my goal yesterday I took an entire truck load of stuff to Goodwill, sorted through and crated up a bunch of outgrown toys to donate to our new MOMS Club chapter and gave away a bunch of baby gear through Craigslist. It's something anyway.

Dakota is off school for another blissful two weeks. Then the schedule from hell takes over and she won't be home until 10:30 or 11 four night of the week. It's going to be quite the shift from having her home at 8:30. :( The kids won't notice a difference but I sure am going to. I keep trying to tell myself that it just means I will have tons more hours to scrapbook. I'll let you know when I finally convince myself that the new schedule is good. :P

It's just 16 weeks though. Sixteen. It sounds short enough. I just wish it *felt* short enough.

Until school starts though, the kids and I are enjoying all our evening time and weekend time together. The kids are both over the moon when she walks in the door at 4:30. It's like Christmas every day for now. :)

That's it for now. Bath time if over and I need to go take charge of one of the munchkins. Fun!

1 comment:

Brenda said...

Yeah! You updated your blog!!! :o)

I'm glad your trip to Seattle went so well.