Thursday, January 04, 2007

Locked in a Room

Yesterday while I was chatting on the phone to Brenda, my son decided to lock his sister in my bedroom. He came running out to me and said "Mom! Kaylen is locked in your room and I can't get her out!" Since I couldn't hear her crying, I calmly walked over to the cabinet and pulled out the handy dandy screwdriver set. I had practiced for such an emergency on the bathroom door so I knew that I could turn the lock using the hole in the handle. I kept chatting to Brenda because I was confident that I would have my little girl out in 5 seconds flat.

I tried to unlock it while Kelton stood there talking to her, Saying things like "It's ok baby girl...Mom's going to get you out. Be brave." It was so cute. He got down on the floor to talk with her under the door and touched fingers with her. He tried saying "Honey, turn the knob. That thing I turned to lock the door. Just turn it, ok baby girl?"

It was really cute the way he was talking with her. She stayed completely calm and I could feel her trying to reach the knob (she is too little to actually do it though). I kept trying to unlock the door using different screwdrivers. I got a flashlight but it didn't help me see any better. I just couldn't get it to pop open. I started to worry. I hung up with Brenda and kept working and working.

Kelton very sadly told his sister "Honey, I don't think we're going to be able to get you out." He sounded so sad.

Suddenly it dawned on me. There was a sliding glass door from our room onto the patio. I went out the kitchen slider, walked over to the bedroom slider and called Kaylen over. I showed her the lock that needed to be flipped (which I knew she could do since I had watched her locking and unlocking the kitchen sloder earlier in the day) and within 2 seconds, I was able to get into the bedroom and unlock the inside door.

Kelton was SO happy to see his sister. :) Something tells me he won't be locking her in there anytime soon. Well...for at least a few days anyway.

Clearly I need to figure out how to unlock every single door in this house. Just because I can pop open one of them clearly doesn't mean I can open them all. *sigh*


Sonya said...

I still can't get our doors unlocked... but Carie can! She's a pro at it. I however stand there forever fiddling with the thing with no luck.

Good thinking about the sliding door!

Caroline said...

This was the cutest post. Laura and I were laughing at the part where Kelton said, "honey I don't think we are going to be able to get you out". I so love the stories of Kelton and Kaylen

Mieke said...

What a great story of brotherly harrassment and love!

This happened once in my house and I used my "BIG" voice to express that it should never ever happen again - and it hasn't.

What's our motto?

SAFETY FIRST - they all yell back