Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Fingers Crossed

I think we may be on the upswing of things with Kaylen. Yesterday was a horrid day; the poor thing wouldn't agree to being put down as long as she was awake (which made for a long day and a very sore back for me). She did take three naps throughout the day which I was both thankful for and worried about. It's just not her style.

By dinnertime, she was starting to perk up. We had a bunch of "jump to high alert" situations last night and early this morning and I know we aren't out the woods yet as far as bodily fluids but I think we're starting to move in that direction.

The best news is that she is acting more like herself. I can't even begin to tell you how good it felt to have her playing and laughing with me this morning. Yesterday felt so...well...dark and scary but today feels much, much lighter.

Now as to why she seems to contract the stomach viruses so flippin' easy - that's a question that I have no answer for. Yes, Kelton did start a preschool program 7 weeks ago and I suppose he could be carrying home a thousand bugs. Sounds entirely possible. But why *just* the stomach bugs? Why no colds? Colds I would totally get but stomach bugs? This many times? *sigh*

This is the last week of preschool for this semester. He won't start again until spring. However, he is starting gymnastics next week so who knows what he'll bring home from there.

Oh the joy of kids and germs. :)


Caroline said...

Glad to hear that Kaylen is feeling better. I am not sure either of you could survive another round of the flu.

Amy said...

I'm glad things are turning around for you guys. You really could use a break!!!