Sunday, January 07, 2007


The girl is puking. And has diarrhea. AGAIN. How is this possible? Short of keeping the child under lock and key in a sterilized room what am I supposed to do? She seems to gets every little bug that walks by and looks sideways at her. What is up with this?

And of course this is the first week since mid-November that we would have had a playdate with friends and various other fun activities. Today I had hoped to convince Dakota that we should take the kids to the local community pool to go swimming (it's a year old and we keep telling Kelton that we will go swimming there). Clearly that isn't happening.

Next weekend I want to take the kids up to the snow so they can romp and play in it. She needs to be well by then. But let's not kid ourselves....she needs to be well soon or I just may lose my ever lovin' mind.

*sigh* Back to Puke-ville I go. Seems like I barely left that place.


Brenda said...

Oh no!

Poor little girl...and poor YOU!

Out here the 24 hour flu is being passed around. I had it last week. My fingers are crossed that she'll be doing better tomorrow!

Anonymous said...


I'm so sorry!!! I echo brenda, here's hoping it is very short lived for you!

Jen said...


Sonya said...

Oh no! I'm sorry to hear this!

Didn't Kelton "recently"... like within the past several months... start preschool? My guess is this is the culpret!

I hope everyone is better soon!