Monday, October 06, 2008

My Inbox, My Rules

I received one of "those" hateful emails yesterday about. It was about how none of the issues at hand in the economy are the result of GWB but instead in 2006 a democratic House and Senate took over and all the problems are a direct result of the Democrats.

ARGH! It got my dander up quite well and I responded. Yes indeed - let's not look at the fact that the housing crisis actually began back in 2003 when the bad loans were being made. Let's not look at the fact the deregulation, a hallmark of the Republicans, had a great deal to do with where we are right now. Yes indeed - let's not actually look at the facts. Instead, let's forward it to every single person in our address book. UGH!

I'm so tired of it. But here's the rub - I'm clearly out and proud when it comes to my political beliefs and yet I have never, ever, not once, received an email that slams McCain for this that or the other (and heaven knows there are reasons) from my left-wing friends.

Why is that? Why does the right side feel the need to spread hate, lies, fear, etc but I'm not seeing that from the left? I think that says a lot, doesn't it? I get that the right side is scrambling right now but seriously - enough! If you can't send amazing facts about YOUR candidate, don't send anything. Tell me all the reasons (without slamming Obama) why McCain is the one you are standing by. Tell me how much he has done and what he plans to do. Or better yet, don't send it to me because I really don't care. I know who I am supporting and that's good enough for me. But if you MUST, if you absolutely cannot help yourself from forwarding emails, then forward only the positive ones.

It's the old "If you have nothing nice to say, then say nothing."

Blogs are exempt in my way of thinking because a blog is yours and people come to read what you write and no one has to read it. They have come into YOUR house and hear YOUR views. But email? That would be YOU coming into MY house.

Come on people. I don't want your hate in my inbox!

I'm just saying.


Froggymama said...

Yes, nothing is ever the republicans fault. Ever. Even this war, I'm sure can be blamed on Clinton. In fact, I'm sure this war was a direct result of his affair with Monica Lewinsky. Don't ya think? :) I bet someone somewhere has drawn a link between those facts. This is such a ridiculous time to be alive.

Anonymous said...

It applies to 9/11 even. If a Democrat had been in office when 9/11 happened, the Republicans would have FRIED him. But since it was a Republican they have been running on a "there hasn't been another attack under our watch" platform. How about the fact that there wasn't an attack UNTIL YOU GOT IN OFFICE!!

It is ridiculous. And the American people eat it up. I swear you should have to take a test, like the citizenship test, before you're allowed to vote.

Monogram Queen said...

Gosh my sister sends me that crap, i've asked her not to but she still does. I just delete without reading. Not worth the fighting around here. Still..........argghh

Unknown said...

Well said, my Dear.