Sunday, December 30, 2007
Still Here
Plus - Kaylen came down with something nasty last night (high fever/throwing up) so that was fun. Ick. We drove home today and are busy trying to settle back into our life.
I promise a real update soon....and hey - I'll even throw in some photos for you. :)
Monday, December 24, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Vista Anyone?
So - we now have a fancy-schmancy computer....and I am trying to learn my way around the Vista operating system. OY! Have I mentioned that I am not technologically inclined? Yeah - well...this should be interesting. :)
New York New York!
But still - a walk through Central Park in the snow sounds like so much fun! :)
A Zen Holiday
This year though with my new "whatever" approach I am finding that I am actually looking forward to it all. What a nice change of pace for me. :)
Merry Christmas to you all! May you find peaceful times in the days ahead.
Things That Make Me Say Hmmmm
And really - I'm ok with that. :)
Christmas at the Mall
I was hoping we would see one of the kiosks that have all the as seen on tv things but alas, the mall has gone upscale since Christmas of past and there was no such place. I think you can still find the As Seen items in some of the bigger stores but frankly, where's the fun in that? I used to love going into the As Seen stores and checking out all that stuff.
And yet - it was still really enjoyable. We spent about two and a half hours there, shopped around a bit, people watched, the kids rode the mall rides, we had lunch, stood in line to visit Santa and just enjoyed the hustle and bustle of the mall at Christmas time.
It's been a really good day! :)
Thursday, December 20, 2007
And Christmas is saved yet again. :)
Will Santa Come Through?
So - we paid for the annual subscription on December 13th with the thought that it would give me plenty of time in the evenings to get the game back to where it was when we last played. Only........apparently because of Vista's release in the spring and other various updates our computer is no longer compatible with the game.
And for some reason, neither is my year old laptop - which makes absolutely no sense to me.
I've spent the last two days and nights sending reports to the tech team at ToonTown and following their directions. Nothing is making it work. Last night I even managed to mess up the laptop but good though I *think* between Dakota and I we have it back in the land of the living. But really - there is no telling until later today. Dakota took it to work with her to see if she can get on-line help going (their on-line/phone help is available from 9-9:30 Eastern Time and since we are in the West Coast it makes it near impossible for me to work on it without certain little Santa-believing children seeing me.
Our desktop computer, granted, is a relic in terms of technology (which burns me up in more ways than I can tell you - it doesn't seem right that three year old computer can't be updated enough (and for free) to stay up with the changes) which may mean that we have to suck it up and find a way to buy a new one....and before Christmas. I just can't stand the thought of Kelton's Christmas wish falling short when it is right *there*. We just can't access it. We have a ToonTown shirt and certificate for him for under the tree. It will be really crappy if Santa had to leave a note "Merry Christmas, Kelton! I am giving you your much desired subscription to ToonTown but sorry - you can't play it until your parents pony up for a new computer." Talk about sucking the joy out of a Santa gift. *sigh*
And the kicker for me is we are looking at what is most likely the last Christmas Kelton will even believe in Santa - he is already questioning it - and I so desperately need this to come through. We've told him over and over that we just don't have the funds to pay for Toon Town but he knows Santa is magical and can do anything.
Oh to have that kind of faith.
So - Dakota is doing what she can with the laptop today because if we can get the game working on it, we can hold off on a new desktop computer until the first of the year sales. If not, we'll be hitting the computer store tomorrow morning while Kelton is at school.
Oh the suspense. And I thought pulling of a Christmas miracle on the 24th last year was a feat - this one promises to be so much more challenging. Wish us luck!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Ornaments Make The Best Toys
I'm telling you - this girl of mine cracks me up daily. :)
Is There A Doctor In The House?
I was practically rolling on the floor. Her pink dog was her patient and she kept giving "Princess" shots in the head. Poor thing. :)
And yes, I did take pictures but I think I won't post them because, as I mentioned, she wasn't wearing much. :)
This Is New
This photo of Lucy I snapped yesterday. Never before has she been seen in a laundry basket so I thought that was odd enough to warrant a photo but as if that wasn't odd enough, when I tried to scoot her out so I could fold she actually growled at me like I was a teenager I was kicking off their playstation 3. Now mind you, it wasn't that the basket was left unattended for hours on end which gave her full rights to claim it as a bed for the day. No - quite the opposite is true. I emptied the dryer into the basket, went to the kitchen to throw out the lint from the lint trap and returned to find her in the basket. Yes, it was that quick.
Like I said - things in our animal kingdom are very strange at the moment.
Monday, December 17, 2007
The Bracelet
As cool as the ones on the website are, mine is so much more amazing. I'm just saying. :)
Sunday, December 16, 2007
A Princess Tea Party
Kaylen was just so stinkin' cute! I could tell you all about it but really, pictures speak a thousand words so here you go:
Kaylen and me before heading to the party.
Dakota, Kaylen and friends.
All dressed up and looking good!
Opening her princess tea party set - a big, big hit!!
Choosing her pink cookies.
Kaylen and Grandma.
Pretty girl!
This is a photo of Kelton after his Christmas party - check out that cool balloon candy cane!
And, just for the fun of it, a birthday picture of me.
Dakota and I went out for about four hours last night.....which was one of my favorite gifts. I just love having kid-free time with my sweetie. :) Dakota gave me the sweetest gift though - a beautiful bracelet with the kids names on it. It's very similar to the one I gave her for her birthday last April and I love, love, love it!! Now I no longer have to look at hers with envy! Thank you, honey! I love it....and you! :)
Christmas Wish List
So Santa, if your listening..... :)
And Speaking of.....
Tis the season...
So are any of you planning to make a New Year's resolution? Care to share? :)
Friday, December 14, 2007
What Happens in Vegas.......
Be that as it may though - a trip to a fantasy land like Vegas sounds kind of fun.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
This is what happens.....
I have to say - she provides daily fits of laughter for me. :)
This afternoon Kaylen was busy with her "babies". She is such a sweet little mommy.
babies sleeping
And of course changing the baby's diaper. (Don't you just love how she is wearing her party dress? She wanted to look pretty for pictures when I asked if I could take pictures of her with her babies. )
And singing her to sleep.
No more diapers
Kaylen made the full-time daytime transition over Thanksgiving weekend (which ironically is the same weekend Kelton decided to be diaper-free a couple years ago. He left diapers behind at 3.5 years. Kaylen is a full year ahead.). It still seems so odd to me and I wonder how long it will take me to get used to seeing teeny tiny princess underpants in the laundry?
My sister and I were talking about the money savings of being a diaper-free household which I hadn't really given much thought to since diapers, and the cost of them, have been a steady thing in our lives for the past 5.5 years (not to mention I'm a bit in shock and denial that she is already at this point). I know it's not like American tax relief but seriously, every bit helps. :)
But wow. No more diapers. It's just so weird.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Sunday we took the kids to see Enchanted. This was a huge event for us - we've never, ever gone to a movie as a family and I am thrilled to report that we had a great time! The kids, while not perfect, were darn close and sat through the entire movie. At one point, I looked down the row (we were seated me, Kaylen, Dakota and then Kelton) and my heart swelled with happiness. Here we were, all four of us, on a new family adventure! It really was an amazing feeling.
We all really liked the movie - Kelton even asked if we could buy it when it came out on DVD (this after we explained that no, we couldn't stay and watch it again and no, we could go to the store and buy it yet). Such a fun time. My kids are really growing up.
Monday, December 10, 2007
An Early Birthday Gift
The mail delivery brought so many fun surprises today and one of them was an early birthday gift for me from our sweet friend, S. I can not even begin to tell you how touched I am by her gift. Thank you, S! You are the best!! :)
Secrets? What secrets?
This morning, Kaylen and I were in a local one-stop shopping store and we passed the snowman paper plates when suddenly she squealed out "Hey! Snowman plates! We got those for your birthday!"
I said "Oh! Those are really nice but I don't think you were supposed to tell me."
A few people around us smiled and one even said "So much for that surprise, right?"
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Oh Christmas Tree!
Kelton was having a grand time as well - he would pull handfuls of things out of the boxes and hang them on the branches and he loved hearing about how they all came to be ours. Our tree is a hodgepodge of collected ornaments through the years and they are all very special and have their own stories. I love that about our tree! :)
As an extra added bonus to our fun time, Kelton decided it was time to write his first letter to Santa. He worked hard on it, added some hand drawn pictures, addressed it, stamped it and mailed it. It was so much fun to watch him!
And this is the kids standing next to Roller the Polar Bear in our yard. The tree is decorated, the house lights are up and most of the gifts are bought! We are almost ready for the big day!!!
The Wine Club
The wines are sold in different "series"; The Gold Series which is award winning small-production wines; The Platinum Series which is ultra-premium, rare, collectible wines; The Diamond Series which is luxury-premium, legendary wines; and The International Series which is hard-to-find imported wines of the world. The prices of the clubs vary depending on the series you select. The company also sends along a bunch of great literature which tells you about the wines and offers tons of information about wine in general. A great learning tool for those like me who know next to nothing about wine. :)
The wines we were given were a 2003 Cabernet Sauvignon and a 2004 Merlot. I'm not a Cabernet fan in general (ok - truth be told, I'm not a red wine fan in general) so after a sip or two, I left that one to Dakota. It's one of her favorite wines. We learned quickly that this particular wine really needed to "breathe" for a while but after a little bit, it was enjoyable. Dakota said that for the price, she has had others that she enjoyed more but if someone sent her a bottle, she sure wouldn't refuse it. The Merlot was more smooth and didn't require as much breathing time.
I would have loved to have received one of their white wines so that I could hog the entire bottle for myself but, but at least Dakota was happy to have most of the wine for herself. :) In fact, she is sitting next to me working on her laptop with a big glass of Merlot sitting next to her.
The next time you are wishing you could send a nice bottle of wine to someone, or find yourself wishing that you could have wine magically arrive at your doorstep each month, check out