Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What Did He Hear?

When Kelton asked if he could have the very last chocolate chip cookie this morning, I said "As long as you do not say anything to your sister and as long as you eat it where she cannot see you, then yes, you may have it."

What he must have heard was: "Sure - but please, run into the living room and eat it directly in front of your sister while saying "I got the last cookie!" because honestly, I have all the time in the world and I won't mind her having a tantrum and I certainly have time to make a small batch just for her."


I have no clue why I didn't originally say "Let's break that in half and you both can share the last cookie."

What is wrong with me??? I usually see these things coming. I guess I thought he would sit at the computer and scarf the cookie and Kaylen would be none the wiser and I might succeed in getting real food into her this morning.

Oh - and then I had the (pre-made) dough on a cookie sheet ready to go (the oven was preheating) when what happened? Oh right. Maddie the dog jumped up and ate the dough.

Add the spider crawling across the ceiling when I got out of the shower to this morning and you have the recipe for the exact perfect morning for which I always hope.

(and what is with the stupid spiders??!?!?!?! I get that the temps are climbing again and inside is cooler and all but come on!! I even had one crawling. on. me. last night while we were watching the season finale of Boston Legal, Season 3 (so sad it's over!! Season 4 comes out late September though - YAY!!!). I screamed like a girl, flung the spider off of my shirt. Dakota was laughing hysterically (to her credit, she did kill the thing. Yeah yeah - they should be set free outside but my rule is; if you are stupid enough to come into my home, you pay the price. And the body gets flushed so it can't call its friends. So there.). Yuck yuck yuck!!)

Here's hoping the day gets better from here.


Monogram Queen said...

Oh dear I think my girl has that same hearing disorder!!!!

LMAO at the Spider. Okay I ignore them IF they keep their distance. I have one living on the ceiling of my entranceway right now. But I keep my eye on it!

Tanya said...

LOL. I feel the same way about spiders, and ants and rodents. You come into my house you know what's going to happen! I too think if I kill the spider his big friend or his mom is going to come out of hiding.

Melanie said...

I laugh every single time you are describing something - I can actually hear your voice, your emphasis on certain words, etc. You crack me up so much, Casey!!!
(oh yeah, and sorry about the cookie and spider thing this morning).

Catherine said...

Oh, that sucks. Sorry you had such a bad morning.

Julie said...

Why are the older kids so evil to their siblings???? Connor does the EXACT same thing. He always has to rub what he has in Charlotte's face. Of course, it makes Charlotte cry. I think he likes when she cries or something.

I hope your day is going better now. Just know, I'm right there with you. Connor is driving me nuts, as usual!

Froggymama said...

Since we live close to the beach, we have few roaches. Hollywood was another story. But one night, Scott and I were watching tv, when a FLYING ROACH the size of Asia flew over me, and scurried behind the sofa. I screamed, like I was on fire. Scott sat there, like "Was that a bird, or a bug?" I turned to him and said, "I will not sleep til it's dead," and handed him the broom. It took a good two hours to find and kill that roach. It terrorized us, flying from one side of the apt, to the next. And each time it moved, I screamed. When we finally killed the sucker, we examined it like an alien had landed in our apt. It was the size of a parakeet, I kid you not. Had I been alone, I probably would have checked into a hotel. Spiders, I catch and let go, because I hope they'll wait outside our door and eat all the flying roaches. :)