Friday, August 08, 2008


Sometimes, just sometimes, I wish the kids adored me in the completely obvious fashion that they adore Dakota.

Intellectually, I get why they are different with her....but emotionally? stings sometimes.

I know I'm not alone in this feeling. I know others of you can relate, right?


Froggymama said...

I've been slacking on my blog comments lately. It was so nice to catch up and see all the great pics.

And btw, I also know how it feels to be the unpopular parent. Fortunately after a long weekend, we're both unpopular. :)

momtothreeboys said...

Same here. Laura is almost always the "PIF" and I'm almost always the "POOF" (remember that?). I totally understand you. Sometimes it sucks big time but most of the time I just roll with it. But secretly, I'd rather be the "PIF" most of the time.

Jen said...

Oh, Casey. That is a yucky feeling.

Catherine said...

It is funny, how kids have different relationships with different parents. Karen is the fun one, he always wants to play with her. I get jealous I am not as much fun. I am the cuddler, boo boo kisser, and put back to sleep parent. Karen wishes she was. Your relationship with your kids is unique. But, I understand how you feel.

Mimi said...

ok momtothreeboys.....what does pif and poof mean????? Casey just remember your little ones love you to death they just don't show it RIGHT now but in time they will....when the chips are down when they are older they will call you first and want your help....i know my daughter calles me all of the time now where as when she was young her dad was god and i was just mom......

Casey said...

Mimi: PIF= Parent In Favor (as in the favorite one) and POOF= Parent Out Of Favor.

A Jersey Girl said...

I love when I have gone out of may way and done alot of fun things with the kids all day and BAM- husband walks in from work and they are running over to him, loving him and I am back to being the cooker, cleaner, server and he is the hero!

And I am with you, I get why they are like that, but every so often it hurts my feelings:)


Melanie said...

I know I will soon be able to relate. Trust me, being the "PIF" is not always fun!!! I want some freedom!

Monogram Queen said...

Oh yes, yes I can. I've even sulked about it. It does "sting". Hugs honey.

PT-LawMom said...

Try thinking of it as a complement. They are so secure in your affection and constantness that they don't feel the need to shower you with it as much as they do Dakota, who is gone more with work and school. At least that's what I say to myself when my son shows his Daddy way more affection when he walks through the door.

Kristen said...

Casey, being the other mom isn't so great either. I hate it that Audrey will sometimes completely ignore Michele, both because I want some time for myself and also because I know it just kills Michele. Sorry you're going through this. It would be better if our kids could love each of us equally.

Gandksmom said...

Just stopped by to check up on you all and stopped dead in my tracks on this one. I get you. Totally. When Cheryl walks in the door, I no longer exsists other than to get in her way when Cheryl tries to spend some time with me. And yes, I get it too, intellectually, but it stings. Badly.