See that? That is the pile of yuck that I swept from my kitchen floor tonight. Now before you start thinking "'d think she could sweep more often than every six months!" let me tell you that this is the second sweeping of the day. I swept and mopped before taking Kelton to school this morning and then again after dinner. And remember, I swept and mopped three times yesterday - the last time being right after dinner.
Oh yes indeed - all this loveliness is brought to you courtesy of Maddie (with a little help from Jordan who must follow her outside a bazillion times a day). It would get this bad at the end of each day when Jaxon was with us, too. Jaxon would go in and out and in and out (and lay around on the grass getting dusty and filled with grime) many times a day but since Jaxon's been gone, the yuck factor for sweeping had been dramatically reduced.
Maddie loves to go outside and when out there, she plays hard. Really hard. And all that dirt and grime comes in with her. So, so, so much fun. NOT. :)
Can you imagine though if I put off sweeping for a couple of days? I'm thin king you would have to use some Cat 5 cable to tie around your waist as you tried to make your way through the mess. Kind of like Hansel and Gretel and their bread crumbs. :)
I can't complain too much though - Maddie is a real sweetheart and she is really growing on me. Not like mold in I become more fond of her as the hours pass. Right now she is curled up on her doggie bed right behind my chair and it does feel right to have her here. And Jordan - oh my gosh! He is loving life so much right now. I haven't seen him this happy is a long, long time. That makes it all worth it. Well - that and hearing Kelton say "I love you sweet Maddie. You're the best dog int he world." when he said goodnight to her tonight. *happy sigh*
We have a mess like that almost daily, too. Only for us, it's not the dog bringing crap in from outside, but from her shedding, as well as that of our older cat. One is white the other is black. It all shows up no matter what!
She is lucky to have you and vice versa. Maybe you need a roomba??
I second the roomba! I thought my fur babies were bad!
Let me say I can totally sympathize. With a Golden Retriever who brings in EVERYTHING on the fur...ugh.
I'm still thinking we should get a dog this summer ... but I soooo forgot about the hair on the floor (mine is bad enough).
this is so funny. I almost posted the same thing on my blog!
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