Tuesday, September 06, 2005

You Know You Are Desperate When......

....you raid the freezer in search of some long forgotten frozen cake or other yummy surprise.

Yes - that was the scene in our kitchen last night. Desperate for a treat, D and I were pulling things out of the back of the freezer (things best left alone, really. Who knew you could forget you had frozen chicken dated back to March of 2003? Oh yeah - good thing it was garbage pick up day - we had a bunch of stuff to toss out). We finally hit upon a package marked "Cheesecake 12/04"! Pay Day!!! Cheesecake left over from my 40th birthday party.

We popped that sucker in the microwave, sliced the three pieces into two servings and sat down in front of the tv to watch a movie and eat 8 month old, formerly frozen cheesecake. YUM!!

1 comment:

Sonya said...


TOO FUNNY! Sounds like you thoroughly enjoyed it and how wonderful that the 2 of you got to enjoy it together while relaxing.