Saturday, September 10, 2005

How Can 15 Minutes Feel Like An Hour?

The kids and I are all in the kitchen. The princess is crawling around on the floor, the prince is trying to convince me that he should get to pull the string on the ceiling fan as much as he wants and then, since that failed to work, starts pulling leaves off the poor plant on the table.

I get angry that he won't listen to me and pluck him from the table (which he climbed on during all this) and plop him on the floor.

"Mama" he says "Me peed on the bed."

"WHAT? You did what?"

"Me peed on the bed."

"Which bed."




Why Kelton? Why did you pee on my bed?"

"Me thought me had to pee than thought no, no have to and then peed on bed.", he saiys; shrugging his shoulders


I walk down the hall and into my room (which I haven't actually slept in in weeks and weeks since the princess and I are sleeping on the bedin her room). Sure enough - he peed on the bed. Thank goodness for waterproof mattress covers.

I feel like I'm gonna blow. This potty training stuff isn't working out like I'd thought. Leaving him naked works most of the time - unless he is upset at me or bored or just not in the mood to make the trek to his potty. I hate this. It shouldn't be this hard but I have one of the most stubborn children on the planet - but I guess he comes be it honestly.

I strip the bed and start the washer. Never mind that I already have a bunch of laundry to do today. What's another three loads? *sigh*

I hear the princess. Oh right - she was still on the kitchen floor.

Uh oh. The dog water.

Yep - it's true. She crawled over to the dog water and dumped it every where which, of course means....another new outfit for her (this would be her third and it isn't even 10 o'clock. Just call my daughter "The Blow Out Queen").

I change her and while doing so I look at the clock.

It's only been 15 minutes. How is that possible?


Shawna said...

Oh!!! I understand. You know the thing is it's not JUST that one 15 min segment... sometimes I swear, EVERY 15 minutes all day feel that long! So by the time you get to the end of the day... how many hours is it that it adds up to be?! -Sigh- what can you do?

Good luck with the next fifteen!

Laura said...

Um, I think we had the same day, except I at least only had one 3 year old. Mr. B insisted up and down that he most definitely did not have to poop, and no didn't want to sit on the toilet and no didn't want a pull-up. But somehow it was okay to leave a huge load in his underwear so I could have the joy of washing them out and try to get it off of him without him getting poop all over the carpet. And this was one of the highlights of our day. Um, why did I ever go off Paxil?


Sonya said...

Prince and Princess working together, I love it!

My best advice (ha, don't think you asked for it) is to get a larger capacity washer & dryer.

We love ours and it has saved us more than once. Our's hold twice the load our old one's did... AND when the dryer is done the clothes are actually dry.

Pricey, but I feel us reaping the benefits constantly.