Monday, March 26, 2007

Yes, I'm Really Still Here

**Updated to add pictures. If you haven't seen them yet, scroll to the bottom.

I know, I's been days and days since I've updated. I have a good reason though; we were out of town. I did try to post a little something from the hotel but for some reason, the connection was painfully slow so I abandoned that idea in favor of vegging out in front of The Gilmore Girls (we took dvd's along with us for after the kids were sleeping). (Someday I'll tell you of my insane love for The Gilmore Girls. It might be all that coffee they drink.... :) )

We drove up to Seattle to celebrate birthdays for our two guys (one birthday in Feb, one in April) as well as the birthday of our great-niece (March birthday). It just makes sense to do them all at the same time. It's crazy with all the wrappings flying and squeals of delight but it's fun, too. My brother, sister and niece totally spoiled Kelton and Kaylen. The gifts couldn't have been a better fit either. Kaylen, the little princes that she is, received a stunning formal dress, a tiara and matching earrings, two other great dresses, books and a huge amount of dress-up princess clothes. Kelton received roller skates and all the needed padding, books (including a chapter book, James and the Giant Peach, which he made us start last night even though we are in the middle of another one), swim trunks, a shirt, a fabulous book about the human body (which hasn't left his sight), Lego's and an art set (already well used). Both kids also received gift cards to Target and McDonalds from my parents. I'm telling you - these kids are well loved. :)

I, of course, have photos but I've been too preoccupied to download and get them ready for posting. I will get to that soon.

This is spring break for Dakota which means my evening computer time is non-existent though rumor has it (ok - not a rumor. She told me.) that she will need a few hours this week to get some school work done. I told her that was fine since it means I can blog, scrapbook and (probably more the case) play ToonTown. :)

This weekend we are again going out of town. This time to the coast for a few days. I'm really looking forward to it - there is just something about being on the coast that I really love, need and crave. We're staying at a new place this time so that should be fun.

My mom isn't doing all that well. Hospice started seeing her yesterday so at least she will have a qualified nurse checking in on her regularly which gives us all peace of mind. It, of course, is a step no one really wanted to have here so soon but here it is. Life is what it is. We all do our best and somehow, the pieces all come together. I have to say though, my brother and sister are going an amazing job looking after my parents. I was touched by how gentle my brother was when he would move her and help her reposition. We all had a good laugh when he started dancing with her when he was holding her upright, in a classic dancing position so a seat wedge could be placed in her wheelchair. It was nice when mom joined in with a laugh of her own though she was quick to say "No!" when James asked is she wanted to dance. I still contend it's because she thinks James is a bad dancer. :)

The kids did so well - which I was concerned about. I had a gut feeling that Kelton would be fine as he always has been. Kaylen has always been the one who worries me. Normally she won't go near my mom and wouldn't hardly look in her direction. This time though was different. I'm not sure if it was the lack of the walker, etc all around her or if Kaylen is just getting to be more sure of herself and everyone else but she interacted quite well with her grandma and even gave her a hug and a kiss when we left. It was really nice to see and I could tell it meant the world to my mom.

So anywhere - that's all the news from the past few days. Now that I've updated, I need to swing by everyones blogs to see how everyone else is doing. :)

later that same day......
I just uploaded pictures. Here are a few to share. Enjoy!


Brenda said...

I loved the pictures. Kaylen looks so adorable as a princess. I love the earrings. :o)

I'm glad the kids enjoyed their birthday party and that you all enjoyed your visit in Seattle. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom.

Perrin said...

Wow...what a little girly girl you have. She is gorgeous in her princess outfits. Sounds like the kids did very well.

Froggymama said...

Your kids are gorgeous! I especially love the princess photos. Kaylen looks very comfortable as royalty! What a wonderful gift to your mom to have your kids there. I can't imagine anything more healing than those beautiful faces! You guys deserve a vacation. I hope it's relaxing and just what you need!

Casey said...

Brenda: Thanks. And yes, Kaylen is definitely a little princess. :)

Perrin: The kids did do well. And you have that girly girl part right. Who would have guessed that I would have ended up with a princess? :)

FroggyMama: I think the girl is a little *too* comfortable in the royalty roll. :)

SeasonalKat: Hard yes. But it was harder for me after we left. *sigh* I guess I was just too darn busy and preoccupied at the time to take it all in.

Monogram Queen said...

Awww what heartwarming pictures. I'm so glad it was a special visit.

em1__mak2 said...

What a great weekend and fabulous pix!

And Gilmore Girls -- I HEART Gilmore Girls! I had never seen the show in my life before December and now thanks to an obsessed friend, I'm in Season 6 of the DVD sets. I get a bit edgy when I can't watch at least one show each night before bed. I think it mus be all that coffee...


Dee said...

Love, love the dress up pictures!!!!! How cute is that!?! Where's the scrapbook page? I know you'll do something amazing with them.

Holly said...

love the pics. so glad the kids did so well with the trip and seeing your mother.
hang in there!