Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Pushing the "Gay Agenda"

I was reading my local paper this morning and glanced, as usual, through the opinion section. I don't usually put a lot of energy into reading them but one in particular caught my eye:

**snipped from The Columbian; Tuesday March 13th, 2007**

Gay agenda pushed on us

Some time back, as I was avoiding the umpteenth story about gay issues, I was wondering where the next article on homosexuality would originate. I didn't have to wait long as I opened the paper on Feb. 25 and there was a story, "China's gays and lesbians emerge into open slowly."

I didn't really want to read another story concerning the homosexual community, wherever and however obscure that community may be in relation to us here in Clark County. (note from me: I don't really want to read stories about how people are killing their children, or each other either, but that's life. That's reality. Oh - I'm also not a big fan of reading about rodeo's either but week after week in the summer, they are still in my paper.)

I have been asking myself, "When will enough be enough?" for too long now. Are there any other readers who have had their fill of these types of stories? Is there some network of writers who keep all others abreast of the latest story in the "gay" world? (note from me: What? We have a "gay world"? Where? Don't we all share the same world? Yeah - I thought so.)

Studies abound on the effects of the media on our youth as well as the desensitizing of the same due to this onslaught. We, as concerned parents and citizens, need to step in to protect our children and society. (note from me: Why yes. Do protect people from the likes of me. I seem so deviant. Don't I?)

No, Hillary's village cannot and will not do it. The institutions of this great land have bowed to the gay agenda -- the agenda that will push until our society embraces this decadent behavior, after which all other decadent behaviors pale in comparison. (note from me: Decadent? Sorry - I'm laughing too hard to come up with a retort to this one. Decadent. That's good. LOL!!!)

Phil Wilson

**end snip**

So I started thinking to myself: "Agenda? What agenda? No one gave me that memo. Nothing showed up in my mailbox. Do we, as the gay community *have* an agenda? Seriously? Clearly I need to get better connected. I never get invited to the gay meetings."

I started thinking what was on my "gay agenda" for the day:

1. Finish my cup of coffee and the last section of the newspaper.
2. Figure out what to feed the kids for breakfast and then get it made, served and cleaned up.
3. Load the dishwasher and run it.
4. Start a load of laundry and fold the load in the dryer.
5. Jump in the shower after finding the kids something to do for 10 minutes so they wouldn't start fussing with each other.
6. Get dressed.
7. Get the kids dressed, get their teeth brushed and their faces washed.
8. Straighten up the living room while wondering how on earth they could have trashed is so badly while I was showering and dressing.
9. Get shoes and coats on the kids while at the same time gathering up things I'll need (purse, cell phone, bottles of water, etc).
10. Get out the door and to the car without too much chaos.
11. Stop by Starbucks for a much needed caffeine jolt.
12. Get to the moms club event as close to on time as I possible can.
13. Watch over the kids while chatting with a few moms (all heterosexual, I might add for dramatic purposes).
14. Take the kids out into the play area and let them play in the fresh air for an hour.
15. Wrangle the kids back to the car and back to the house.
16. Feed them lunch and let them unwind in front of a child friendly PBS station program.
17. Eat lunch myself and take care of some more laundry and unload the dishwasher.
18. Check email.
19. Take the kids into the backyard for more outside time.
20. Convince them to come back inside with the promise of a fun art project.
21. Clean up the art project and play with the kids; dolls for one, Lego's for the other.
22. Go get the mail and take care of it.
23. Pay the bill that arrived and take it to the mailbox for tomorrow's pick up.
24. Bring the garbage cans and recycling bins in.
25. Notice that it's time to start thinking about dinner.
26. Make dinner and then clean it up.
26. Get the kids into the bath and then into their pajamas.
27. Watch a TV program with the little one while the big one has 20 minutes of computer time.
28. Brush teeth and get the kids ready for bed.
29. Read two stories for the little one and a chapter of Mouse and the Motorcycle for the older one.
30. Kiss them good night and tuck them in.
31. Sing them their nightly lullabys.
32. Once they're asleep, go out into the rest of the house and do a final clean up for the day.
33. Make sure the laundry is all put away.
34. Make a cup of tea and sit down to check email.
35. Update my blog.
36. Check a few blogs and message boards.
37. Try to stay awake to say hello to my partner when she comes through the door after working a full day and attending evening law school.
38. Spend 25 minutes catching her up on the days events and then....
39. ...fall into bed exhausted. Maybe it will be a few hours before a child wakes me up.

Oh yeah - that is one heck of a "gay agenda". :)

But if what he means by "gay agenda" is showing the world (by just being ourselves and being seen as "normal, regular people") that we deserve the same rights and recognition as heterosexuals, then yes...I am pushing the gay agenda...and I'm also pushing a stroller most days.


Froggymama said...

Ugghh. I hate that phrase 'gay agenda' about as much as I hate 'family values'. It's so condescending and mean. But your sense of humor and 'mommy agenda' is the perfect reaction! I think you should send this entry as a 'letter to the editor'. It could help enlighten those, like Phil, who have their heads so far up their 'dumb agendas' they can't see straight (pardon the pun).

Anonymous said...

Dang. What a waste of space in the paper. Why is it that we get ONE chance here on earth to live life and make a difference but we waste it with non-acceptance and judgement? I want to raise my children to love and respect what others do even if it is different then what they do. Sorry you have to deal with such crap. All I know is that my daily agenda looks just like yours does!


Shannon said...

Casey, I love your response and think you should send it to the newspaper - it's perfect.

Dakota said...

You should send it in! They might not print it, but at least it might make someone else's day :)

(Though you might want to change me to an "evening" law student. *wink*)

Love you,

Monogram Queen said...

Oh boy Casey. I think it's people like you that piss the homophobes off the most. Gay people that do everyday things instead of standing on street corners trying to lure children with candy to recruit with your "gay agenda". *snort*
There are asshats everywhere and it takes them to make the rest of the accepting public look good. At least I try to convince myself of that.

Casey said...

FroggyMama: I followed your advice and sent it in. I just gor a response that if I could shorten it to 200 words I could resubmit it for publication. I did a word check on the part I wrote (not his letter nor my comments inside his letter) and I came up with 668. Cut it by 468 words? Umm...yeah, like I have time for that. Guess I'll just leave it posted on my blog. :)

Heidi: That's all we can do - live our lives and teach our children love and respect. Thanks for your kind words.

Shannon: Thank you!

Dakota: Yeah yeah - I fixed it. The sad part is, I re-read it three times last night before I hit post. Can you say "tired at the end of the day?" :) Thanks for catching it.

Patti_Cakes: Just doing my part to throw a wrench into the homophobe way of thinking. I just wonder what "those people" really think we do all day.

Dee said...

That carp fires me up! I love your take on the "Gay Agenda". BTW - I didn't get the memo either.