Thursday, November 30, 2006


The puking continues ergo; the laundry continues.

I now understand why my parents thought vinyl flooring was the best option for the bedrooms of their five children. Enough said about that.

She actually didn't barf during the night but today......oy! She is making up for it.

She still has interest in nursing though it's no fun knowing I will be seeing it again soon (yes, she is an EN' with it. *grin*). Figure it is better to let her nurse and barf, then scream (because she is pissed that she can't nurse) and barf. Not sure she is having enough wet diapers. I'll probably wait one more day before calling the doctor. Yesterday she seemed to have more energy in between puke sessions than she has today. If her energy decreases anymore, I'll take her in today (probably to urgent there a fun way to spend an evening. Alone. With two kids. One sick, one attention starved.). Dehydration is always a concern.

No fever. No interest in actually eating solid food. Can't say I blame her.

Poor girl.


Catherine said...

Hope she feels better. WTG, still nursing, that is the best thing for her when she is sick. Robbie nursed until two and if he had wanted to do that all day long I would have gone on longer.

Brenda said...

Poor girl. I hope she feels better soon. I think it's just as hard on the moms when the kids get sick. Take care.