Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Coughing, Sniffling and Feeling Cruddy

Ugh. I'm sick. Really sick. Sick as in if I could call in sick and hide under the covers all day I would. I was sick last week and I thought I felt awful then but noooo...this is a whole new level of feeling cruddy. My guess if I contracted some cold virus right on the heels of not yet being well from whatever I had last week (sort of a cold but mostly in my high chest area). So...I got hit with a double whammy.

I wish I knew someone who would come over and fix dinner for the kids and straighten up this place. I just have no energy...nor desire.

Oh - and the girl last night? Well let's see...no nap all day and she was out cold by 5:15pm. The boy was out cold by 6pm. I really, really thought I was golden. But there is a rule in parenting...never, but never, get cocky about the kids sleeping. By 7pm she was up again for the night....she finally passed out around 10:30...after waking up the boy who joined her in the non-sleeping game.

She slept horribly - because everyone knows that lack of sleep equates to worse sleeping, not better. I slept horribly even when she *was* sleeping because of my nasty cold.

We were all up early today for Kelton's first day at his new 7-week/twice a week preschool class. Getting two kids and myself up, washed, dressed, brushed, fed and out the door by 8:40 was an adventure on next to no sleep.

Just shoot me.


Brenda said...

I'm sorry you are sick! Hugs!!!

I hope Kelton enjoyed his new preschool program! I can't wait to hear all about it.

I hope you get some sleep and feel better soon.

Caroline said...

Oh, I hope you start to feel better soon. When I was sick last week I can't imagine having to take care of two small kids. Hugs to you. If I lived closer we would come bring you some dinner and watch the kids so you could get some zzzz's. Take care.

Anonymous said...

oh geez i am so sorry casey. i can't imagine how overwhelming it must feel to not get to call in sick. hugs and chicken soup to you.
take it easy.

Shannon said...

Sorry to hear you're feeling so crappy. You know Jell-o cures everything, right? :) Hope you feel better soon!

Sonya said...

Sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope you are better soon!

Jen said...

Those preschool outings are just practise for when they really go to school. For them and us! Hope you feel better soon!

Gandksmom said...

There is some horrid cold going around that kids get and it goes away but when parents get it, it never goes away. I am on week 3 of it so you have my utmost sympathy! Green tea with honey has been my saviour!