Our labor nurse took this picture because they were so impressed at "how well" we were handling labor. True to who I am, when I have pain, I pull inside so I didn't say a word or moan at all during labor. I was locked inside myself riding the waves of pain. I remember once when Dakota was helping me to the bathroom...I looked at her and quietly said "Next time we get a puppy." because holy moly was I in pain.
That's why they call is labor....and not fiesta. (Right, Dakota? :) )

I can't believe my baby boy turns 8 tomorrow. That seemed a lifetime away the day this picture was taken.
And yet you did it again :) You sound just like I think I would be.
My oldest son turns 16 tomorrow. 4/14 must be the day God gives us sweet boys :)
Hey, wait, YG!!! Tomorrow is my birthday, too! Can we please include "girls" born on 4/14???
Happy Birthday to Kelton, and you, too, Casey! :)
Happy birthday Kelton!!
We have two family members and one very good friends daughter's birthday tomorrow too. Must be a good day for a birthday!
Oh, and happy 8th parent anniversary too!
"Not Fiesta."
Thank you, Cris. :)
Thank you for the hours of labor to bring our beautiful son into the world.
Oh man do I know that expression on your face! I can't believe you were in labor that long. Way to go mama. Happy birthday Kelton.
I know that for me, if I would have made much noise during labor I would have started screaming and wouldn't have stopped, so I think it was best that didn't happen. :) Epidurals are now something I am not ever going to look down on anyone getting! Happy birthing anniversary to you.
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