Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Stress Diet

I have to tell you, I always thought stress made me eat. Apparently I didn't really have a clear idea of what stress was before because the stress I have right now? It is a clear appetite suppressant.

I think about eating but I can't seem to follow through. I open up cabinets and the fridge but nothing looks or sounds good so I close things up and pour another cup of coffee.

I eat a bit of dinner at night but not because I'm hungry but because I know I need to eat something so I don't get sick.

I started this posting a bit ago but then I had to go pick up Kaylen from preschool. They called and said she hadn't stopped crying since I left her there 45 minutes earlier. My poor baby.

I hate this so much. Stress. Yeah - I know what it is.


Anonymous said...

My love, it is not the "stress diet" keeping you from eating, it is the "depression" diet. You might mention this to your doctor the next time you see him. I'm so sorry you have to go through this.

Try to remember the "Get it Done" gal you were this spring...unclogging the plumbing and fixing the fence. You can do this too. You have it in you to do this and when you get to the other side of this, you will see how strong you really are. The "princess" is gone, replace by a well equipped, strong, intelligent woman.


Tanya said...

I'm so sorry. So sorry your hurting, so sorry Kaylen is hurting.