Friday, December 11, 2009

Still Cold

It's supposed to snow tonight. Not a lot - maybe an inch or two. Then the freezing rain is expected and then by afternoon it should turn to rain. I'm actually looking forward to it - I need the world to look different for a while.

The bad part is Kelton's final karate graduation is supposed to be tomorrow night. He will graduate to his purple belt and then, thankfully, we are taking a break from karate. It's been seven long months of twice weekly karate lessons. He and I are both ready to be done but it's strange to think that the place and the people that have become a part of our lives won't be any longer. Seems to be a theme these days. Just more loss, I suppose.

I'm happy to report than Kelton has not injured himself with his karate moves. Or, I guess I should say, injured anyone else. No need to put the low cost health insurance to the test. But then again, maybe we will by the time the ice storm rolls through.

Which takes me right back to the possibility of snow. We might be low on groceries and things like cat food but since it isn't predicted to be a long lasting storm, I say bring it on.

And after the storm? After the storm we should be able to leave the sub-freezing temps behind for a while which is good. Eleven degrees is just too darn cold for an extended amount of time. To say nothing of the fact that the Christmas Store at school next week is being held in a portable which, unfortunately, does not have working heat at this time. So really? Warmer temps would be great because setting up the store in a room with an inside temp of 32 degrees today really wasn't my idea of a good time.

Wow. Can you say random post? :)

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