Friday, December 11, 2009

Simply Sleep

Ok all you people who encouraged me to take something to sleep; how long is it safe to take stuff?

It's nothing too much - a half dose of Simply Sleep (which basically is just benedryl). Instead of the recommended two caplets, I'm taking just one but since, as a rule, I never take medication I'm just wondering how long I can take it without ending up needing something like drug rehab. Ok - yeah, that's extreme but there a timeline?

Without it I don't seem to sleep. Weird enough, I fight falling asleep on the couch watching TV at 8:30 but when I put myself in bed? All bets are off. I'm awake.

Nights are long when you don't sleep.


Catherine said...

I let myself have something to sleep and then take 4 nights off. So, even if I lose sleep, I will catch up in a few days. I have the same problem, half asleep on the couch watching TV, get into bed and boom wide awake. I started watching TV in bed and that makes me drowsy.

Kerry said...

Well is the couch comfortable to crash on for now? If it is then sleep there for awhile and if you wake up transition to your bed. Right now I think it's more important to get sleep rather than where you sleep. It will settle in time.

Anonymous said...

Have you tried Melatonin? I will say it helps you fall asleep, but it doesn't do much to help you stay asleep. Staying asleep is my problem these days.
Anyway, I bring up melatonin because I don't think it has the habit forming issues that other sleep aids do.

Lielanie said...

Casey I have taken Melatonin while I was having extreme insomnia, people have differing results but it helps to re-start your sleep/awake cycle. It's not habit forming.
I know the sleep problems you are experiencing have a deeper root, and not to be irritating but a journal or counselor may be a better option (I have been through a few rounds of counseling, so I'm not just throwing out random suggestions).
I know the word overwhelming is an understatement as it does not even begin to describe the depth of every individual issue. Every item of your life is effected and will bring up thoughts of what could have been.. I only hope that everyone effected will come out of this as better people.

Tracey said...

Can you call your m.d. and find out his/her opinion? I know people take melatonin every night, I don't think it's an issue, but it's always a good idea to run past a doctor. I agree with Kerry, sleep is the crucial thing regardless of WHERE you get it.

Anonymous said...

Drug rehab? I seriously doubt it but then again it might be a nice break......

Kristen said...

My mom's husband takes tylenol pm every night. My guess is that it will become less effective long before you'd become addicted. If you find yourself taking 2-3 or more a night, then check into that drug rehab. Until then, go for it. It makes things just a tiny bit more bearable.

Anonymous said...

We have switched to melatonin, which is a natural sleep aid that your body produces less of as you age. My wife and I both find that we feel better the next day after taking that than the tylenol pm we similarly only take a half dose of. Plus I worry less about becoming dependant on melatonin. Alternately, you could switch back and forth between the 2 in order to keep your body from becoming dependant on it.

I have insomnia when I am stressed or depressed, and have found that having night time routines, as well as a video I can watch every night helps. For me, it is Harry Potter. I have seen it so much I don't feel compelled to watch it, but I like it enough to hold my interest and allow my other thoughts to fall far enough into my mind that I can get to sleep. For me, this works even when I wake up at 3 am and can't get back to sleep, I turn it on and usually I am out within 20 minutes. Usually it takes a bit of time for your body to start associating the video with sleep, and some sleep aids will help with that in the beginning. And, one trick to helping insomnia is to sleep somewhere different, so if the couch works, go with it.

I also keep a journal where I write down all my thoughts. It helps me to get it out, and in getting it out, I sort through it a bit. Plus being only for me, I can write exactly what I'm thinking and feeling. No worries about what someone else thinks.

I hope those ideas help. I'm sorry you are having to go through something so hard. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Melissa in Durham