Thursday, April 20, 2006

Good Enough Revisted:

Ok - so if the argument stands at: "yes, good enough is good enough" then by whose standards are we using as our measuring tool?

Is it the perfectionist who finally decides good enough is good enough when her whole house gleams and her children are immaculately dressed and well-behaved giving the illusion that her life is indeed perfect? Or the person who decides good enough is good enough even though her home looks as though rats shouldn't reside there let alone children?

Maybe it's somewhere in the middle.

Maybe good enough being good enough varies for everyone based on their value system and if that's the case, then how can this statement be measured enough for someone to say "yes, good enough is good enough." Shouldn't people be saying "For me, good enough is good enough based on my particular set of values and beliefs. But what is good enough for me probably isn't going to be the same as what is good enough for you. Maybe my standards are lower or higher than yours." I'm not sure a blanket statement of "yep - it's good enough" is well.....good enough. :)

I guess we all have to set our own measuring device based on what we value and what we want/expect from life.

Apparently I have a lot of time on my hands today. :)

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