Friday, December 24, 2010

It's Here

December 24th is here and, ready or not, here we go. The kids should be home from their overnight with Dakota soon and then it really begins. Maybe a Christmas movie watched together? Later this evening, Dakota and Vicki will be back for a Christmas Eve dinner, the tracking of Santa (thanks to the internet), the annual reading of the Night Before Christmas, the leaving out of Santa's treats...and the carrots for the reindeer, the chaos of Christmas Eve bedtime when two little ones will be too excited to settle down.

Then the adults will bring out their gifts for the kids and put them under the tree. Dakota and Vicki will return to their house and I will go to sleep so Santa can do his thing.

The kids, I'm sure, will be up and down all night wondering if it's time. Wondering if Santa really did come. I predict they will both end up in bed with me and there will be precious little sleep to be had.

Dakota and Vicki will come back at 6AM and we will free the kids from the back of the house so they can run to see what wishes have come true for them. I am looking forward to their excitement. Christmas is magical when you are little.....and I hope and pray the magic stays alive for them for a long, long, long time.

Merry Christmas Eve, everyone. May the love and joy of the next few days fill your heart and soul.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your children and their joy and excitement was contagious and you were also swept away with the fun and joy of Christmas Day. I sincerely hope that 2011 is a better year for you personally, I know it's been hard over the last 12-13 months.