Thursday, October 05, 2006

credit: Fall Crush by Dani Mogstadt

Journaling reads:
"I love this photo of you - it captures you completely. From the silly grin to the love shining in your eyes. I can’t believe how grown up you are - hardly a trace of the little baby I once held in my arms. You are your own little person and I am having so much fun watching you grow and change. In your eyes, I am able to catch glimpses of the man you are going to be.
I am so lucky to be your mom! "

And...for your viewing pleasure..... another one I did tonight. I know....I even amazing myself. *laughing* What else do I have to do on D's late school night? :) :)

credit: Bewitched by Dani Mogstad


One Boys Mom said...

Big K looks SOOOO much like you in that photo. Unbelievably cool.

Caroline said...

What cute pictures. Mr. K. is growing up so fast.

One Boys Mom said...

O. K. I keep going back to look at K's just doesn't even look like him - weird. I do wonder how much we are not seeing K the man vs. K the boy in that photo.

Anonymous said...

Kelton is growing up so quickly! He really does look like a little bow now, not so much of a baby.