Monday, March 06, 2006

Remote controls should come with homing devices........

...or at least a button you can hit that would make it beep for ease in locating.

I swear, this is the 40th millionth time this year that Kelton has misplaced one of the remotes. This time, it's the VRC/DVD remote. I remember seeing it on the coffee table yesterday but since then - it's anyone's guess.

I spent the past half hour searching the house for it. No luck.

So you know what I'm going to do now? I'm going to look for one of those hotel style teethers and lock those puppies to the TV. I waste far too much time searching for those things.


Breaking News: Remote Update
After much searching, I am happy to report that the remote control has indeed been found. The kicker here is it was Dakota, not Kelton, who lost it. She had placed it on the back of the couch to keep it safe from Kaylen's curious fingers and it had dropped between the back of the couch and the wall.....but not all the way to the floor (I already had looked *under* the couch, which can be done without moving the couch). In complete frustration, I pulled the couch from the wall and heard it hit the ground.

So - I apologize to my children and request that my wife keep better tabs on the remote she is using. :)


Anonymous said...

You have no clue the frenzy I go through when I can't find the remote. You would think I lost one of my kids at the mall. My heart races and then I call Bob and yell at him for really no good reason. My chair eats the thing all of the time. Why can't there be a feature like a cordless phone where you can push a button and it would beep? Hmmm...maybe this is our million dollar idea :) Happy hunting!

Margaret said...

we have started putting the remote on the entertainment center when we are done with the tv...then Pman doesnt get it and decide to restrict the channels that we like... :)


pack of 2 said...

Our German Shephard once ate three remotes AND the batteries in an afternoon when she was a puppy. Kids and dogs....not good for remotes.;)


Anonymous said...

LOL. I'm so with Pam on this one. I'd love to install "the clapper" to my TV remotes.

Caroline said...

I totally agree..remotes need something where you can find them easily. We are always losing ours. Since we don't have kids, we just blame it on the dog.