Thursday, December 08, 2005

10 Weird and Random Facts About Me

I was tagged so I get to bore you all to tears with 10 weird and random facts about myself. :)

1. I am so in tune with my kids that I know when they will wake a full minute before they do (even when I'm sleeping). It's weird - but in my head I "hear" them call for before they ever make a peep.

2. I hate the smell of meat. Hate it.

3. Even though my house is usually tidy - my cabinets are far from it. As far as I'm concerned, if you can't see it, it doesn't exist. :)

4. I really get icked out by feet. Interestingly enough though - this does not hold true for my children. I love their feet and can look at them and touch them all day long.

5. The house has to be clean before I go to bed at night. I can't stand getting up to a messy house.

6. I love photos of my kids. I take them in for photos every month and would do it more often if I could. I just LOVE having pictures of them all over the house.

7. I do not have an ability to recall what someone looks like if they aren't standing in front of me. No lie. I seriously could not tell you what D looks like or my sister or my kids unless I was looking at them or at a picture of them. This is probably where my photo obsession comes from.

8. I despise being splashed.

9. When I can't sleep I will try to remember how my elementary school was set up and which classes were where.

10. I have a titanium rod in my spine.

**Not as interesting as you had hoped, was it? :)

If you haven't yet done this on your blog and you are feeling up to it - consider yourself challenged. :)

1 comment:

Casey said...

Ok ok - I'll give you more to go on. About 8 years ago now I broke my back and needed to have a rod placed to keep things stable. Not such an interesting story, now is it? :)

Oh - I broke my back falling from a fence. Six foot fall landing flat on my back, neck and head in a "garden" of broken slabs on cement. Big fun! NOT!