We bundled up in raincoats and boots and headed out into the storm. Jordan, our 12 year old Dalmatian, was less than amused by the rain but the love of a walk soon won out and we were on our way.
Around the neighborhood we went - the kids stomping and splashing in every single puddle while Dakota, the dogs and I tried to avoid being hit with splooshes of water.
About 3/4 of the way around we came upon a section that was amazing! The storm drain clearly was clogged as the puddled stretched a good 1/3 of the way across the road and the depth was the height of the kids boots. Oh the fun!
They splashed and splooshed and laughed.
Finally, we worked on locating the storm strain and Kelton, Dakota and I took turns clearing out the enormous pile of of leaves. Once we had broken through the drain took on a tornado effect (or flushing toilet, as Kelton called it) and before long the street was cleared of the massive puddle.
Once we arrived home the kids dumped out their boots and we all laughed at the amount of water that they had acquired. Kaylen, at one point, said "Mom! I have a swimming pool in my boots!" She was not kidding. :)
It was a fun walk and it was really great to breathe some fresh air. Once at home we tossed the frozen children into a warm tub and then settled in to watch movies. It was a fun adventure but it left three of the four of us wiped out and ready for a nap.
I love that you say "splooshed."
How fun! And even in the water she's got her dress on :)
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