Sunday, October 04, 2009

Little Spy Boy

Kelton "won" a pair of Walkie Talkies at his school for selling 10 PayBack Coupon books and seriously? You would have thought he won the lottery. Excited did not do it justice when he pulled them from his backpack Friday after school.

This morning while Dakota and I sat on the couch reading the paper and drinking coffee I saw him sneak into the living room and then sneak back out. Within moments we had music playing near us. He had left one of his walkie talkies on the end table and took the other back to his room where he put it up to his radio and blasted music at us.

He was soon back - giggling like a fool and asking us if we had heard the "mysterious music".

With all the spy gear he received last Christmas and now the walkie talkies I'm getting the feeling that we need to invest in some antispyware software so we can thwart his efforts at spying. :)

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