....I just have nothing to say. These are one of those times. I'm busy living life and find that when I have a few minutes, blogging isn't one of those things that are on the top of the list....you know, the top of the list is reserved for fun things like laundry and scooping the yard. What? I know you're jealous of my ultra-glamorous life. :)
Spring break has come and gone. The kids and I were in Seattle with my family for the first weekend of it and then we were home - hanging out and enjoying life (and no alarm clock!) for the week. It was great and I have to say, I was sad to see it end. We did nothing of any significance but I find that is a good way to get a break from the routine of life.
This weekend the kids were with Dakota which meant I had time to spend with my bestest chica, Cande and time for spending with Stephanie. It was perfect. Friday night Cande and I went to The Olive Garden for dinner and drinks and I am just going to say it now: The Olive Garden is way, way, way too expensive for what it is. Good food, good drink but the cost was just too darn high. Next time we go back to our regular "food and drink for less" places. It was an experience though, so that was good.
After dinner, we came back to my house, met up with Stephanie and watched The Switch which was a decent way to spend two hours. Cute movie, that's for sure. By then it was late and we all were tired. So much for partying hard. :)
The rest of the weekend was spent with Stephanie just hanging out and spending time together. We ventured down to Clackamas for a few hours and over to Stephanie's house for a few more but other than that, we just hung out together. It was PERFECT.
Today was back to reality. This evening I took Kelton to his first ever Cub Scout meeting and I am just going to say, I might be a bad parent but I really hope he doesn't like it. It is sounding like a HUGE time commitment for *me* which is not what I was looking for at all. I am required to stay through the meetings and there are three a month (!). This means that Kaylen is required to stay as well. The meetings are in the evening and none of the three of us have a lot of energy or patience in the evenings. I would be required to go on the camping trips and day hikes. I am NOT a camping or day hike person. I can already feel my body protesting from sitting on the hard gym floor for an hour. You think it's going to like camping on the ground? Hiking for three miles when my back makes it incredibly painful to walk the length of the mall and back?
That said - I will, of course, suck it up for my child but I really, really don't want to. And next year Kaylen wants to join Girl Scouts. You can just shoot me now.
In my day (HA!), parents dropped a child off at their group meeting and high-tailed it out of there, returning to pick up an hour later. Today parents are expected to stay and be involved in all levels. Including, but not limited to, fund raising.
Here's the thing - I am already feeling over extended with the PTO and my commitments to the school...which benefit my children. I cannot even begin to comprehend taking on more. The thought of it makes me want to hurl. I haven't even talked about the money aspect. I can't begin to wrap my head around that one yet.
Oy. I think I need to go to bed soon. I've had all I can take today and I'm working on only about three hours of sleep between a boy-child who was up twice for an hour last night and the dogs who needed out twice and them started bugging me for food at 5:30am. Did I mention (ever) that it takes me a long time to fall back to sleep after being awakened? It's like water torture for me some night. Time to get the kids to bed and then I'm off to dreamland myself. 'Night Blogland.