My sister sent me an email this afternoon and said my blog was boring her. Yeah well....sorry about that. If it helps any, it's been boring me too.
I tried explaining that I have nothing news worthy to share with the population at large but she was firm in her response that I should write something new every day. I do believe she gave that to me as "an assignment". To which I say, and respectfully so, Ppppppttttttthhhhhh!
The kids are good and we are gearing up to the start of the school year. All the back to school supplies have been bought and most the clothes have been sorted through. Sadly, the poor child can still wear a fair share of his kindergarten clothes but hey - just think of all the he is saving us. I still have a bin in the garage of clothing I bought for him to wear to 1st grade that never saw the light of day last year that I need to go through but there is no rush. He has plenty to start the year with.
Kaylen has been busy learning to play the Wii. Carnival Games is her speciality and she can kick the behind of anyone in the KaPow game as well at the Claw Game. Even Kelton had to admit defeat yesterday. I heard him say "I can't believe I have to say this Kaylen but you are better than me with this game." She is back at it right now and just told the neighbor boy (who is here for a play date) "You should see how good I am at this." Modest about her skill? Not all that much, thanks.
Today weather wise has been wet. The rain sort of surprised me but then - not all that much. Mother Nature has a wacky sense of humor sometimes. Tomorrow it should be back in the mid-80's and I am tossing around the idea of setting up the tent for the kids. They love to camp in the yard and the time is quickly dwindling when I can do that for them.
The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) stuff is in full swing already with our first even being an ice cream social on Back to School Night (the night before the first day). Due to many factors, it's bound to be an interesting year at the school.
So that's about it - I told you it wasn't all that thrilling. :) Oh wait - one more thing...I spent some times yesterday and burned a DVD with a bunch of movies I've taken of the kids over the years. The kids and I watched a small portion of it yesterday before karate and Kelton just loved it. I can't wait to watch more of it with them.
Ok - now really. That's it.