Thursday, June 15, 2006

A Little Slice of Heaven

When I was pregnant with baby K, I was freaking out a bit about the realities of having two children to care for. I remember one of my MOMS Club friends trying to reassure me. She told me that someday, I'd be driving my car with the kids in the back seat when one of them would make the other laugh or, her favorite, they would be holding hands across the car seats and I would be consumed with love and know that everything was going to be ok.

Well.....she was completely right.

Some of my very favorite moments are in the car, listening to them laughing with each other, hearing K talk with baby K about nothing and everything (where we are, that's it's ok, where we're going, etc.) and most especially I love when I look back and they are holding hands.

My heart just flips over with love for these two little miracles. :)

(Thanks, Pam! You were so right!)


Caroline said...

I can imagine how rewarding that would be for you. Enjoy it while you can because I bet in a few years they will not want to even touch the other. :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I am so happy for you. I need to remember those times a little more because right now it seems like all I do is yell at them in the back seat to keep their hands to themselves!

PS I feel so honored to be named in your blog. I feel so special :)

Lois said...

I love the sweetest that happens in the car too! Don't you just want to pull over and eat them up.

There is nothing greater then listening to one of your kids make the other one laugh.

Sonya said...

Awwww, isn't it SO freaking sweat!?!?!?

Watching them grow up... together... has to be one of the absolute most rewarding part of parenting.

I love it!

Rainbow Momma said...

Thanks for this. I've been having my own worries. I'll remember this post the very first time I look back and see what you're talking about. :)