Thursday, May 25, 2006

We are a lottery winner!!!!

First off - we have never, ever won more than a buck or two in the lottery.

Secondly, it's been years since I've played at all. It got hard to see that money go out the window so we stopped because after all, there are better ways to blow through our money...but.....

The other day (or a few weeks ago...whatever) we received coupons in the mail for free lottery tickets so D threw them in my purse in the hopes that I'd remember to pick up the free tickets. (Yeah yeah...I hear you all snickering when I said purse. It's true. I have one. It just became necessary and, last year, I finally gave in) I had to run to the store to pick up Zip-Loc bags for our trip (they are excellent for packing outfits in and they compress nicely for ease in packing) and on my way out of the store I remembered the coupons. I turned the cart around and the kids and I went back to the counter.

I have no clue about lottery tickets so when the person at the counter said "How about *this* one?" I said "Sure...not like it matters really." did matter! :)

D and I scratched the ticket tonight and voila! We won $30.00 just like that. Quite the payoff, don't you think? The ticket cost us nothing and now we have $30 more in the Disneyland money.

Who knew?? :)


Margaret said...

thats just not enough to share though... *sigh* :)


momtothreeboys said...

Yay! And for what it's worth, I have a p-p-p-p-purse too. Ahhh, I said it. Altho mostly, besides my wallet, I have the digital camera, kid's snacks and Laura's crap.

Have a ball at the happiest place on Earth!!!

Chuck said...

You never know about winning the lottery, but I have better my chances by playing e-lotto. If your opened minded person please post my comment. I've already won more than a couple of times playing e-lotto syndicate.