Monday, May 15, 2006

I'm still around....

I know it's been forever since there was a new post to read - sorry about that. I've been concentrating on spending time with my family instead of cyber-space. As much as I love you all....I love my family more. :)

D is officially done with her first year of law school. Unbelievable. I'm SO proud of her and all she has accomplished.....and I'm even more proud of her because I know at times she really struggled to find a balance between school, work and family. I'm sure the kids and I didn't exactly help that struggle for balance since, as you can imagine, we wanted her with us and weren't shy about saying it. I know that made it hard for her - and I'm sure, at times she resented it. Who wouldn't? BUT....we all survived and we are all in one piece.

One year down. Three more to go.

At least for year two the kids will be older (18 months for the baby as compared to 6 months and 4 compared to 3 for my big guy) and I will have had a taste of what it's like and what routines work and don't. Sure - the evenings will probably remain a challenge since well...let's be honest, evenings are a challenge with kids even when BOTH parents are around. The days were manageable for the most part - the evenings,'s all about routine and sticking to it.

Oh - and I'm off my PPD meds. Want to know something ironic? I think I actually feel BETTER without them. Go figure. I guess it could be a combination of things but even during rough times with the kids I feel better equipt to handle it and goodness knows I have oodles more patience than I did over the past 8 months. I can't say it was all due to the meds (maybe it wasn't the right kind or dose for me) but I do know that I am feeling TONS better overall.

Weaning and then withdrawal wasn't terrible but it had it's rough patches. The dizzy spells really caught me off guard but they are cleared up now and I am home free. Now I just need to dump the weight I gained while taking the stuff (oh yeah....funny how no one mentioned, even when I specifically complained about it to my doc, that excessive sweating and rapid weight gain were side-effects of the medication. Oh no....instead of saying they were side-effects, she only upped the dosage which compounded the issues. Let's just say that being a sweaty-fat chick doesn't exactly do wonders for the struggle with depression. Grrrr.


Friday night I got a sitter for the kids and D and I headed off for a much needed and much deserved night out. We went to our favorite grown-up restaurant, Beaches, and enjoyed amazing foods, drinks and conversation. It was fabulous and something we absolutely need to do again soon. The kids did great with the sitter, though baby K only stayed down for about 30 minutes after we left the house. Both kids were up when we got home at 9:30 but everyone was happy and having fun. And both moms were rested, well-fed and feeling good about life. A win-win situation if ever there was one.

Saturday we spent the morning in the yard with the kids (they played and we drank coffee and played with them) and then headed out to Powell's book store. It was a great day! The kids went down easily at night and D and I were able to have some time together without being interrupted. Always a good thing! :)

Yesterday we spent time again in the yard with the kids and then we started getting ready for Mother's Day brunch. We decided to set up tables outside since it was such a beautiful day. D's mom, step-dad, sisters and their husbands come over and we had a great time! After they left, we cleaned up, got organized and headed out to D's class picnic. It was nice to meet the people she has been going to school with and talk with partner's and spouses, swapping stories about how hard the year has been for us. It was both reassuring and sobering to know we weren't the only ones struggling to maintain a relationship. We, non-students, agree on one thing: year two has GOT to be easier than year one.

I'm thinking we should start a support group for partners/spouses of law school students. There was a lot of relieved venting that took place yesterday. And....I'm only half-way kidding about that. :)

So that's the latest from this part of the world. I can't promise daily updates but please do keep checking back. I'll post as often as I can.....oh...and I have lots of kid photos to share. :)

PS......Anyone else watching the season finale of Greys Anatomy tonight? We only were able to keep our eyes open for the first half of last nights episode so tonight we'll finish that one and watch the second part. I can't wait!!


Sonya said...

WOOHOO on so many accounts! This is a great update to read.

And yes... we are watching Grey's Anatomy. I'm pumped that tonight we get 2 more hours. We should probably watch it over a few days to spread the joy.

Hopefully "W" will be done with his speach by the time it starts. I will be so bummed if we miss even a minute because of him.

Margaret said...

glad to hear the no meds way is working for you... :)

i dont watch GA...CSI is on tonight...and nothing stands between me and my CSI... :)


em1__mak2 said...

Glad to see such a good update, Casey! I don't really have such a pleasant one of my own to share right now, so I remain the lurker for a bit longer. Hope all continues to go well and you have a great vacation and summer break.

Anonymous said...

So glad that things are going well for you! K had her last final last night and has 2 nights off, then starts her journal article. She'll be done the day after Memorial Day weekend, so the end is in sight. At the moment Claire has pinkeye, poor bunny, and I'm battling a stomach bug, but I feel better just knowing K will be around more soon. She is taking one class over the summer, but it is only one night. Thanks for being such a great support and sounding board this year, only 3 more years to go! Enjoy your family time and your trip to Disney. :)
Jennifer, Claire's mom

One Boys Mom said...

Soooo glad you guys had some great family time!! Enjoy the break.

Caroline said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better. I was wondering what was going on since there weren't that many new posts from you. Sounds like you are really having some good family time.

Laura said...

I'm so glad that things are so well for you and D right now!! :)

Casey said...

Thanks everyone! I've pretty happy with the way life is going right now - hopefully it will continue to just get better and better.

And Cristin....umm...yeah - just a bit selfish. :) No worries - she'll be back in school at the end of August. Just hang tight until then. Then you will have me around so much you will be begging for me to go away again. LOL!