Monday, May 08, 2006

Does Anyone Else Watch Ghost Whisperer????

I'm dying to talk about this with people who watched the you have any thoughts on the season finale?

All I can say is: I was SO not expecting that!!!! WOW WOW WOW!!!

I've been obsessing over it all day (watched it last night - thank you DVR!)


One Boys Mom said...

I watch it...but I still have 5 episodes on my Tivo. I'll have to play catch up this summer. Could I watch them out of order, would it matter? It doesn't seem to matter with that show. Now I'm curious.

Casey said...

M -
It wouldn't matter too much if you watch the first three out of order but this past week and the week before are parts 1&2 so yeah - those would matter. :)

They all begin to tie in though... the evil guy begins to show up more and more.

One Boys Mom said...

Finally watched the last two episodes...I had a feeling after your shock. Who is that guy in the hat - Satan?

Casey said...

M -
He is definitely "evil".