Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Ok ok - I'm getting off my butt and I'm answering the interview questions from Cristin. Here goes:

1. If you could go back to school for anything what would it be?
Sure- start out with a heavy one. Sheesh. Let's see....what would I go back to school for....hmmm.....ok I got one: A degree is "speaking so your children will do what you want them to do when you want them to do it." I just might minor in Multi-tasking. :) Hey - that wasn't so hard after all. :)

2. What's the first thing you're going to do after D finishes law school?
Party!! First privately, them with family and friends and then....we're going to Disneyland to celebrate as a family.

3. If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be? (aside from Kaylen sleeping through the night)
That's a difficult one because by changing any one thing, I would alter the path my life took and would most likely end up somewhere other than I am. I guess for an easy answer though I'd say I'd like to be a size 5. :)

4. If you could have lunch with any living person who would it be and why?Dakota. Alone. Because we don't get enough alone time.

5. What do you most look forward to in your children's futures?Watching them find their place in the world. Seeing the love in their eyes when they find the love of their lives and then seeing that love double, triple and quadruple when they have babies of their own.

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