Friday, May 05, 2006

And just for kicks......

.....the dog threw up all over the house last night. I swear to you - I am up to my eyeballs in bodily fluids. Gross!!!!!!!

The dog went to the vet this morning and is not on antibiotics (not exactly sure why except the doc said he temp was slightly elevated) and anti-nausea medication (thank goodness!).

Spot Magic failed to remove dog vomit stains as did our handy dandy steam cleaner (which I'm not impressed with. It's only a year old and just doesn't cut it. I miss my old one.). I had to call in the big guns....the first place that came to mind was 1-800-STANLEY. I think I've seen that commercial a bazillion times and the number is seared into my brain. For a mere $200 they came out and cleaned the whole house. All but one stain is gone - the stain that *didn't* come up all the way? The livingroom, of course. Grrrrrrrrr.

Here's the kicker though: carpet wicks which means the stains may actually NOT be gone. They may actually work themselves to the surface again. WHAT? Why in the freakin' world did I just pay $200 to get rid of stains that just might not be gone? Craziness.

Please let me have a few weeks of barf free days and nights. I really don't think I'm asking all that much.


One Boys Mom said...

I have to say...glad we never finalized a play-date this week :)

momtothreeboys said...

I am so sorry to tell you that most likely the stains will come back. At least that's what happened to our carpet (dog vomit too). Ewwwwwwwwwwww. We get the carpets cleaned once per year but really need it more.

Sonya said...

I'm so sorry! But... can you keep the bodily fluids to yourselves??? PLEASE!?!?!?!?

We've had it coming out the other end around here and THEN this morning as we were hurrying out the door I spot a pile of dog puke. Fortunately it was just one spot.

I so so feel for you!