Thursday, August 31, 2006


Yesterday my big boy had his second playdate without me. I can't believe he is old enough to go to someone's hours for hours and hours without me. And yet, he is. He did great and had "such a great day" (which he told me about three times while I was getting things ready for bedtime).

Here is a picture that Declan's mom put up on her blog. The three boys eating corn, fresh from their garden. Isn't K adorable? :)

Thanks, M, for being brave enough to take on three boys. Wow! :)


momtothreeboys said...

Too Cute! But isn't it great to know how much fun he was having while you got a mini-break?

Casey said...

Absolutely! It was hard to have him gone the first time but yesterday was much easier and I enjoyed some down time (baby's nap time) and then one-on-one time with baby K. It was good for all of us! :)

How was CA? I'm eager to hear all about it.

Caroline said...

What great pictures. I have been reading your blog for about 9 months now and I can't believe how much he's grown up in that small amount of time. Wow. He is a cutie.

Caroline said...

P.S. When going through your list of blogs you read the one "Minding our business" is in some foreign language. Just an FYI.

Casey said...

I know! It's crazy, isn't it? Just last year I thought he was such a big boy but now, looking back at photos, I realize how little he still was. I bet I will say that with each passing year but I have to say - the change from 3.5 to 4.5 has been incredible and amazing.

PS..Thanks! Minding our business was Cristin and she killed that blog ages ago. I really should update my links. I'm so bad about that. :(

Laura said...

Oh, they are so cute together. And wow, having playdates by himself already? Sigh....