Monday, March 17, 2008

Cold Hands

Today I learned that letting my hands get cold is a bad, bad thing. I've been dealing with some pretty intense pins and needles sensation in my hands and feet this weekend but that was small potatoes compared to letting my hands get too cold while I waited at kindergarten pick up today. For some reason, it's gotten cold here. The temps aren't all that impressive as in "Damn! I think it might snow." but it's cold and windy and the windy part makes the cold part seem even colder.

Or maybe I'm just a wimp. :) I don't think that's it though because Miss "I'm Not Cold and Don't Even Think About Trying To Make Me Wear A Coat" happily put on her jacket while I waited for Kelton. Normally I just carry her jacket to and from the car so that other people don't think I'm a terrible parent for not putting a jacket on my toddler. I've been carrying her jacket daily since October and I can count on one hand how many times she allowed it to be placed on her body. Seriously.

Anyway...the point to this no point rambling is when my hands and feet are already going nutty with nerve-crap (I'm pretty sure that's a medical term *grin*) coldness makes it a bazillion times worse. It literally felt like a fire storm of pain in my hands. Warm water made it worse so my only course of action was to change into soft, warm cuddly clothes and pile on my fluffy warm blanket and try to warm up. I swear it took about an hour, and a double dose of Motrin *and* Tylenol, for my hands to settle down. They finally returned to their non-frozen painful state a few hours later but they are still bugging the heck out of me. At least it isn't so painful I want to cry - more like I want to throw things and have a tantrum because I hate guess that's something.

I think I will dig out my winter gloves and keep them handy until the weather changes again.


Monogram Queen said...

Yes ma'm wear those gloves if they help!

Sheri said...

I'm cold quite often ... cold hands, cold feet, cold butt (well, that's a little personal) but, at least you know you won't look silly sitting next to the other woman all bundled up :-)

PT-LawMom said...

You're not a wimp. And you're right, nothing helps, although I've found that sometimes some hand cream and gentle massage helps a bit. (((HUGS))) Hope they figure out how to help you soon. It's no fun.