Friday, December 11, 2009


I don't really know how to process all that is happening in my life so I'm just going to post random stuff.

I have so much bouncing around in my head - emotional, logistical, practical. So much to figure out and handle. It runs the gamut from high priority to things as mundane as getting auto insurance quotes. It seems inconsequential in the loss category but among it all I'll loose the multi-car discount for car insurance.

The losses keep adding up.


Mimi said...

That does SUCK......sending kisses and hugs your way.......Has dakota moved out as of yet? Sorry this had to happen at Christmas.......I know there's no really good time but Christmas.....I'm sorry.....

amy4 said...

Just wanted to let you know I've been thinking of you and your family Casey. Just to make you feel a little better, Ryan still has good days and bad days before Kindergarten. I never know what to expect. And lately he has has a lot of fears - we even made a sign that says "No bad dream guys allowed". This seemed to help him (I got the idea from a friend who got the idea from a child psychologist.) I guess he's just going through some developmental changes. Anyway, just thought I'd share that with you. Take good care.

Froggymama said...

Oh Casey. I'm so sorry. I'd love to give you a huge hug right now. I understand everything you're saying. I'm so sorry the kiddos are having a tough time. Froggy too is suffering from the changes, the long bouts without daddy, the tension, the sadness. It is in the air always. And as hard as I try to put on smiles and act like everything is okay, she knows better. They always do. I'm sending so much love and light to you and your entire family. Your kids are strong and you are strong and we all may come out a bit tattered and sore, but we'll survive it. Give Kelton and Kaylen a big hug from us, and you too. xoxo Elise