Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I usually love December mail. All the cards that roll in wishing us a Merry Christmas. Pictures of friends who live near and far. The card envelopes outnumber the ads for changing credit card companies, obtaining a life insurance quote or other various mail that goes directly into the recycling.

I usually rip into the envelopes, pull out the cards, marvel over them and then put them up on the wall in the living room.

Not this year. This year the cards are arriving but instead of making me happy, they make me sad. I open them, read them and then quietly add them to a stack behind a picture frame on the buffet.

It's not that I don't appreciate them - I do. It's just that Christmas is incredibly painful this year and I have to save all my fake "excited energy" for the kids so I can respond positively when they talk about how excited they are for Christmas. I'm glad they are excited. I am anything but.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Casey: I stumbled on your blog a while ago and I'm going through a similar situation. My husband and I are splitting up as well and it's incredibly difficult this time of year. We have two boys, ages 10 and 8. I wish I could just go to bed and wake up in the new year...but I know that I can't for them. He's still in the house and the kids don't know anything yet. So, I know what you're going through. Just wanted to let you know you're not alone.

Susan in Canada